ADHD and electronic music

I cant even zone out to me sounds any more. get restless after about 5 minutes. so frustrating

You might benefit from medication (a stimulant) if you have extreme restlessness. Talk to a doctor! Also, that ADHD 2.0 book is really great (if you can concentrate long enough to read it in short doses :grinning:).


lmao :rofl: yea - all your answers are in this here book.

… fuk :joy:

nah but seriously, I’ll check it out. sounds v interesting. thanks H

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I recently wished I rather had some Xanax than some Ritalin / Amphetamin … I hope the author wrote about Xanax in that book as well - going to do a ctrl+f in the ebook :sweat_smile:

I know–the irony of recommending a book to folks with attention issues is not lost on me :laughing:


gotta love pdfs + ctrl-F :sunglasses::+1:



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Page 145 and 184 :sweat_smile:

I have spent this year going through a lengthy autism diagnosis procedure, only to end up with an ADHD diagnosis! This wasn’t at all expected, but it makes sense in a lot of ways. I don’t feel it tells the whole story though, but I guess neurodivergence is a spectrum, and everyone experiences this stuff differently.

The important thing is to figure out the way your brain works, understand your sensory issues etc. so you can make more informed choices, and hopefully lead a less stressful life that works a bit better for you.

And if I can stop giving myself grief the whole time for being a useless sack of shit that can’t do even basic things, that would be a plus.

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Making an effort to be kind to yourself is often a very effective way for mostly functional people to “get better”. This is particularly true if you’ve achieved a lot in education, professionally, sports or just had friends and family that pushed you hard.

If it is really the case that nasty words are equivalent to violence (I’m skeptical, I’ve known people who have lived through literal war zones. I’ve heard some mean words. We are not the same :innocent:), then nasty words that we repeat to ourselves are clearly harmful.

Regardless of theory, kindness to self and others is almost always a good strategy.

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A wise man once said do not compare your internal self to your external view of others.



yea ive always found really complex stuff like breakcore / squarepusher kinda stuff soothes by brain. thousands of polyrhythms massaging my synapses :sparkles::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes::sparkles:


From family and domestic partners, can be violence against a person but nobody’s suggesting equivalence between “literal warzone” and someone calling you a nerd in high school.

Ones that should protect and advocate for you systematically dismantling your sense of self for coercive control and persistent abuse, yeah that’s definitely a form of violence whether literal bombs are going off around you or a gun is directly placed against your head.

Sometimes we don’t need to play “if it’s not worse than the worst case i’ve ever heard it’s nothing at all” games.

I support some persons who do get harassed/abused by present and former partners, and the “warzone” is sometimes their children, needing to live with a hostile ex because of Covid, disability, age, financial abuse… as you’re also not present in a war zone you may have lucked into more safety in your life than others.


Has anybody of you done a Dopamin Detox? Like no consumption of music, video, junkfood, social media (yeah includes this forum as well I guess :sweat_smile:)…?

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That would be way harder for me even than cutting down on my drinking was this past year! I did a Vipassana retreat a number of years ago, which I guess was the closest thing. The meditation wasn’t really for me, but the 10 days of silence and contemplation was mind-blowing!

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Doing all these at once would be an absolute nightmare.

I use dexamfetamine for quite a few years now. It’s a double edge sword taking this medication. On one hand I do benefit from it in my career, but on the other my creativity is just not how it was when I did not use stimulants. I certainly don’t want to keep taking this drug, as I feel life is too short to keep this lifestyle I am having right now. Quite honestly, I rather do what I love most, and that is making music whilst having a part time shit job and try to deal with the ADD/ADHD stuff.

Hmm well I don’t think you … or rather I maybe thought a bit different about this.

Dopamin Detox seems to be the key component to solve an unhappy ADHD life.

If you think like this:

“No music” (Spotify, radio … easily available) can be substituted with - guess what, we’re in a music forum here: Making own music - not too bad, eh?

“No junkfood” can be substituted with some first class meals you cook yourself

“No social media” with … books, long walks at the beach, watching sunsets, meeting people etc.

Also I started subsituting substance addiction with some fitness/muscletraining and meditating - so one step after the other of course :sweat_smile: I don’t eat junkfood anyways …good habit from a few years back

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Being a researcher in adhd, scoring high on DSM ADHD, and being a Juggler in the circus and musician using elektron equipment,
For me, there is a difference in juggling meditation and electronic music miditation.
Both is magic
Both feels like meditation, or like flow
But with music, i disappear. My brain connects with the machine, it sucks me in. Unexpected beautiful grooves and sounds create dopamine (i think). It is fun!
While with juggling, i am present, connected to myself and my environment. Maybe also because it is like sporting (endorphine), or because it is more body-oriented. Not always fun, but it makes me happy

I love both


hmm… so for a dopamin detox even making music is kind of “bad”? Is that what you are saying?