ADHD and electronic music

You’re from the US?

The Nicholas Cruz case isn’t good PR for the ones on the far end of the autistic spectrum as well. Tragedy. Bullied from school to school. Left with himself after the mother died. Child in a man’s body. They failed to treat him when they could and background checks seem not to work. Now that he, after years, seems to get some idea of what he had done and caused, society over there is forced by law to kill a mentally ill and disabled person or lock him up in prison with other criminals forever (or until he gets killed in prison) - and they are doomed to repeat it again and again by being blind to the complex but not too complex factors. They shouldn’t force this type into normal schools - as long as there is loud noises and mob rule in the hallways. I think here, in many places, it works better with the inclusion, but not too well. Too few experts, too many high and mighty teachers. Getting guns is a little bit more difficult. And, obviously mentally ill persons don’t get killed or tasered by the police but are being brought to relatively good psychiatric wards. There was a really good development in this field in the 70s in Western Germany.

Please somebody give me a hint if I leave the limits/borders if this forum. Would suggest go one step back to the J. Depp/A. Heard tragedy. :wink:


This might have been mentioned upthread already, but I just read this article today:

I realized I’d been using some kind of white/pink/brown noise in the background for years when I write–either intentionally (noise machine) or not (listening to post-rock :smile:). I just tried using a brown noise YouTube channel and it actually felt like it helped me concentrate, or at least made me feel calm and alert!


Yeah, love that! Made this binaural noise with a bit of asynchronous filter modulation a while back to help with focus, for some reason the extra movement really works for me.


On the topic of ADD and filtered noise, should really check out the Soma Quantum Ocean for work!

I bought it because I can’t meditate when my brain is playing this in a loop 24/7, but maybe it’ll be a nice backdrop for getting development tasks done.

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My favorite track on Spotify (filtered white noise should result brown noise? Well, I am not Tori Amos, with color and sound but this one helps me to relax in “the void” before respawning) :wink:

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I see this thread keeps on giving and giving in the dangerous and dumb opinions (peppered… I’m glad there are voices of reason too)

Food colourings and additives though…

If there was a prevalence of ADHD during war time it’s because a lot of children were born to parents who were stressed the fuck out during the raising of their babies, thus creating a perfect environment for compromised bonding in infant years and, in turn, brain development problems leading to ADHD.

Also because dissidents have a better chance of surviving during modern submit-to-whoever-and-get-shot-voluntarily-warfare :wink:

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Another sort of interesting relationship of correlations. But again, we need not rush to find causes when non-NTs were ignored at BEST, crushed as different, and pathologized in far less empathetic ways in the past. Autism existed, ADD existed, and will always exist in society.

If the numbers are growing, it would be that we are observing how people think and behave and activism is helping force an understanding, even beyond how those activists can be coopted by… questionable forces.

My spouse is very aware of industrial food dyes, though they do not cause lasting “damage”.

One other correlation with textural issues and other similar patterns, makes me think on what the “supertaster” phenomena is :wink:

Hey, sorry I’ve only just seen your message ((I completely spaced out on this thread, as I have still have ADHD :slight_smile:)

I’m doing better since I finished my detox, it’s amazing how different it feels to be truly opiate free, methadone in particular nasty/and absolutely mind numbing, makes you an
emotional mute, so it was tough but I’ve done so many wd’s in my life I just did it on my own via the substance misuse service. My mate who I used with for 20 years lost a limb and was forced to detox too so I had some support. I had my yearly check up with the ADHD clinic and got my Elvanse dose upped but split into two doses as I seem to metabolise it extremely fast. I get a small amount of diazepam and pregablin, to deal with my anxiety but I’ve been reducing them over time.

It took me a while to find my feet, got into some questionable relationships and still occasionally use psychedelics as a way of curing my ‘spiritual cramp’ (anyone get that reference?) but overall I’m doing the best I’ve done in a long time. Nearly a year clean! Great group of supportive friends. My relationship with my parents has been recovered somewhat thanks to PTSD therapy (seriously one of the best things I’ve done, it’s helped me to get my head around a lot of my trauma, and I managed to learn some useful techniques to ground myself when i get triggered…)

Recently I took a 4 week break off my elvanse as I tend to do on occasion, I’ve gotta say I was a fucking hot mess for a bit, forgetting what I was doing and getting mad distracted, constant scrolling, being unable to be on time (I run on vacant houses time maaan) but now I’m back on them and I feel much much better.

I’ve also been working on a new album for the last year, and it’s really coming together. My label is really small/cool indie so I have a lot of freedom and they’re really dig me, so once again, electronic music to the rescue.

Btw thank you for your concern. It means a lot


Thanks for making that link for me. I wasn’t aware.

I think we need to be a bit careful here.

There’s no definitlive causal association between poor attachment and ADHD. Though ADHD diagnoses tend to be more prevalent amongst those with poor attachments, some of this can be accounted for by thinking about how people with poor attachments are more likely to come into contact with social services or require referrals for other issues that can then pick up ADHD as a secondary feature. There’s plenty of people with ADHD who don’t have poor attachments and plenty more who have grown up in supportive and stable environments, the stability of which may have tempered the more obvious signs of ADHD, making diagnosis less likely in this demographic.

Also, there is a bit of an unwillingness in a lot of structures to recognise the serious ramifications of poor attachment, which can lead to, if not a misdiagnosis of ADHD in some cases, then certainly the attribution of a person’s struggles entirely to ADHD without also tackling the results of poor attachment.

I think too often ADHD is left to carry the can for a myriad of other problems, especially in more vulnerable groups, but then we’re getting into the huge can of worms that is the over/under diagnosis debate, and ain’t nobody got time for that.


I was struck by the relationship between the two, more that the causality, but I appreciate what you’re saying.

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The thread that never dies.

I think I’ve reached a point where it would be nice to just talk about ADHD and music making, as per the title. I’m giving up defending the existence of ADHD lol


Also, I don’t think anyone can answer your questions really… We aren’t really qualified.


My apologies. Deleted my post. But, I wasn’t debating the existence of ADHD nor do I see why a thread that might help others should go away.

Not suggesting either of those things :slight_smile:

But - there has been that kind of vibe through the thread at times.


You can ”assume” a lot from reading the net… like everything you just wrote.


My wife watches a lot of bullshit on TV.

Today she was watching some “clean out your clutter” bullshit and the guy whose house they were doing had ADHD, diagnosed as an adult.

Guy was a textbook case; loads of unfinished projects, extreme procrastination, poor organisation skills, the lot. They found two grand in loose change and uncashed cheques around his house.

Motherfucker also had about 17 guitars…


What??? :flushed:🫤:flushed::thinking::thinking: Would you mind scrolling up and reading the whole thread line by line? Should be no problem since you seem to have no 1st hand experience. (Or you’re affected and still in denial/„on top of the closet“ :sweat_smile:

Psychiatry makes progress. Now we know the biological factor (in a biopsychosocial model) for roughly 1/3 of the BPS people is untreated ADHD - hence those huge emotions. Those get much better when given the proper meds.

And as a normal ADHD person one would fulfill bipolar II criteria in most cases. I think it should be added to the ADHD diagnosis - but rearranging diagnostic criterea needs decades.

And in some, valproate or lamotrigine seems to work, too.

Many „personality traits“ are biologically determined. There is a huge body of research on that.

and so on.

It’s about 5% of the population btw. with actual diagnostic threshold.


Feels free to rant anywhere else about things that you have no personal or professional knowledge of.