ADHD and electronic music


To chime on this subtopic, this website has some great noise. It also exists as an universal Mac app:


I dont have ADHD, but thats actually quite pleasant.

Gonna have to go home and tune up my own filters for some DIY versions. :slight_smile:

Finally, the shift from reality tv to relatable tv!


Please provide peer reviewed scientific research to back up statements or present them as opinions that those of us who are neurodiverse can file under bullshit. Many thanks.


no, no need… just carry on! you’re good

This is what I mean - this thread is a vehicle for haters.

If you switched it from being about an invisible disability, to talking about, say, people living with amputee’d limbs, there would be a bunch of people in here more or less saying someone with one leg, has 2. Most people would consider that unacceptable, offensive and reportable, yet it seems unqualified opinions on Neurodiversity are fair game :man_shrugging:

Wouldn’t give a crap if this got shut down tbh.

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The link with bi-polar is interesting - I have always struggled with mood swings, and while I’d expect the lows to be debilitating, the out-of-control highs can be surprisingly unsettling as well. Not bi-polar though - never had a manic phase, and the mood swings tend to pass too quickly to be diagnosable (even if at the time, it feels all encompassing, like thats all my life will be like for ever!).

When I got my ADHD diagnosis a year ago (aged 48), the first thing the psychiatrist did was put me on lamotrigine. And its only when I look back at this past year that I realise how much it has helped. By putting a lid on the highs, my lows have significantly improved. Still trying to find meds that help me with the other aspects of ADHD I struggle with (mainly social difficulties, motivation/focus, hyper-sensitivity) - starting on guanfacine next week. The stimulants really helped, but I just couldn’t deal with the side-effects.

To bring this back to music though: variety and novelty seem to be key for me. I’m only able to work part-time, so the budget dictates that the variety has to be satisfied with a ton of different software instruments and fx rather than more expensive hardware, which is probably just as well as I know I find it much easier to actually finish stuff when using a completely computer based setup. Doesn’t stop me spending half my life drooling over hardware synths / sequencers though!

I agree. The uninformed opinions/propaganda are a bit tiresome but I’d be hesitant to shut the thread down, provided that misinformation is flagged appropriately.

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neurodiversity is not a valuable diagnosis in psychiatry and many symptoms and syndromes are being wrongly identified with that term.
We also have the newest international classification of diseases that includes psychiatric disorders without neurodiversity in it.
So, you can speak about neurodiversity how ever you like but not as an official diagnosis but more as symptoms within normality or as a variance of normality.
Adhd, bipolar, personality disorders… these are something else.

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I have quit my job this week, but used to work as a psychologist /researcher at the university in psychiatry about adhd.

I am not a big fan of psychiatry, we have a lot to learn. But there are many inspiring people and ideas too.

I really love ‘bullet journaling’ by Ryder Carroll

It helps me to behave a way that is aligned to the way I want to live. It is something in between agenda, diary and mindfulness, asks for time and attention from the one who wants to bullet journal.

It is designed by someone with adhd-diagnose, but is a non-‘disease’-focused treaty, that can be really good for everyone


I don’t really know what you are saying or why you are saying it. Especially ‘why’.


Don’t want to discuss specific medication here, guess that would be too off topic. But you seem to have a good psychiatrist. :+1::star_struck:

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Yes Bullet Journal saves lives. It’s so different than a calendar + todo lists although it looks just like that. It’s the subtleties. :+1::star_struck::star_struck:


Oh dear … I recognise a good of that. Never been diagnosed, but gradually growing more convinced of my self-diagnosis. (While recognising self-diagnosis is very dodgy).

OM superior entity of personal choice - you jump between positions. First you say it’s overdiagnosed or wrongly categorized then you bring in the whole spectrum + threshold concept. I recommend T van Elst again (see above, far above, don’t know if it’s available in English). The publication covers all of that.

I am grateful for knowing who and what I am and that I’m completely normal for ADHD (autism flavored variant). :star_struck::star_struck::star_struck::sweat_smile:

And I am grateful for finally having not only „great potential“ and „lots of creative ideas“ who „could accomplish more“ if he just focused or listened to the end of the sentence or could handle money or time or would be more tidy and better organized or on point or less directly in social situations…, but now I got my live in order. That would not be possible without these neurobiological concepts.

It’s gene-environmental interaction, that decides over distress etc. And there is no ancestral environment for us anywhere anymore. (In Canada they just reintroduced MAD (medically assisted death, (I know it’s spelled differently, it just upsets me so) even for PTSD or other treatable mental conditions, in the US we are in higher danger to get killed by trigger happy law enforcement just because of preprogrammed social interaction patterns.

They legalize cannabis everywhere which helps to calm down but fogs the mind and kills the rest of motivation, you can drink booze as much as you want - but the working dopaminergic medication is considered drugs in most parts of the world, we cannot leave the country legally for more than 30 days (that’s how much daily doses you can carry).

People have a concept of „race“ by skin color - but cannot understand that genetically inherited version of the DAT (dopamine transporter - fast/slow acting) or COMT decide a lot about one’s life and if „stimulants“ stimulate - or have the opposite effect as it is with the majority of the genetic ADHD variants.

Ok, that was a lot. If somebody thinks that was oversharing or too angry, just give a hint. I will rephrase/delete. Cheers :star_struck::star_struck::smiley::nerd_face:

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Maybe not, but it’s a pretty useful concept for everyone else. Maybe psychiatry would benefit from getting on board.


They do.

Not all of them.

And there is a substantial fraction who still think it’s all the mothers‘ fault (and they don’t think that the parents may simply just have ADHD traits, too - or that the alcohol disease and criminal career of an absent father would have come into existence because of untreated ADHD/traits and specific environment). That‘s easy. Once you found out who to blame - all problems dissolve in catharsis (irony). That will be 200 dollars. Are you paying cash or with credit card? :sweat_smile:

Oversimplification of the mind is a smooth brain mentally and it’s not something id wish for medical doctors that operate within medicine based on knowledge to be inclined to do.

No one’s oversimplifying anything.