Advices about travelling in Denmark?

I’m looking for some recommandations about traveling in Denmark next summer.
Elektronauts is the only forum I’m part of, so I tought about asking here, I hope it’s fine.

We are planning holidays in Denmark next summer.
We are a family, with two kids, we travel by car. Our idea is to spend about 3 weeks, and we were thinking about booking two places to stay, 10 days here, 10 days there.
We are mostly interested in spending some quality time, if possible in nature spots.

Would someone around be willing to share some advices ?
What region/city would you chose to stay ?

Thanks in advance for any idea, and a happy and musical 2023 to everyone :slight_smile: !


If it was me, I would definitely go to the northern part of Jutland. I live on Zealand myself, and while there are beautiful places here as well, my heart belongs up north :slight_smile: With that being said, and if I’m being honest, for nature, I would pick Sweden, and day of the week.

But you and your family are most welcome here, and we are more fun to be around than swedes :smile:

(Just kidding - I love Sweden)


We Swedes are an anxious bunch, tho. You guys are way more relaxed :slightly_smiling_face:

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But our language might make foreigners anxious :joy: Traveling from Denmark to Sweden, probably sounds like going from Mordor to Rivendell.



I’m from Denmark - Copenhagen. If you have three weeks, and like nature-spots, I would also recommend Sweden.

Otherwise Jutland: “Mols”, “Thyborøn” would be some good areas.

What made you want to visit Denmark?


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I think you danes underappriciate your surroundings which is very natural. I grew up in a very scenic forestarea of Sweden. Did I think it was beautiful? no it was what it was. Now when I visit once a year its unreal though. I went around Denmark when I was about 12 and what I remember the most was the beaches of northern Jylland. That place is sci-fi if you are not used to it. So maybe 1 week there, 1 week Fyn and 1 week Copenhagen.

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Talk of Denmark always brings back some truly cringe images for me. My Aunt won a trip to Lego Land when I was about 11 and decided to take me and my brother. Can hardly remember a thing about it to be honest but the photos from that trip are classic “what the hell was my mum thinking” photos for hair cuts and, worse of all, matching clothes with me and my brother. Why did some parents do that to their kids :joy:

I should really give all the Scandinavian countries a go some time. Kind of embarrassing thinking of what European countries I’ve never set foot in. Still never been to France or Italy! All pretty much on my doorstep too.

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Its difficult to gauge how well your place to live is a tourist destination but I would say that copenhagen seems to be a place people like to visit. We used to rent out our apartment during the holidays and people seemed quite positive about the town. Then again it is not a place where you drive around and see nature. More like cafe’s and museums. If you do go i will gladly give a list of nice places to visit :slight_smile:

Another very danish thing would be to rent a “summer house” by the ocean. These are found along much of the coastline both in Sealand Jutland and Funen. We bought a house i Sejrø-bay which has nice sand beaches, but my experience is that jutland has more unspoiled nature.

If you do make copenhagen and are into guitarpedals you should visit the shop Effektpedaler which only sells… you guessed it pedal. mostly boutique ones.

And yeah as Thomas said, if you want nature and the wilds, Sweden has a bunch more of it than we do

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and what’s it to Norway? the Shire? :grin:

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Thanks for the suggestions :blush:

There’s no specific reason for us to travel
to Denmark that I can explicitly explain.
We were told that there are many beautiful spots, and, for some reason I have the feeling that people are friendly and interesting!

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Well for me the most obvious would be Legoland! Legos are from there :slightly_smiling_face:

I went as a kid and we stayed at a hotel on a fjord (at least it felt like one) and the view was fantastic!

Exploring the forest was really fun.

Maybe see if you can find a hotel like that. The restaurant balcony hung over the fjord.


Rømø! Awesome houses with gardens for kids by a very very big beach where you can drive up to the water. We spend at least 2-3 weeks per year there (with a camper tho)


If you want something specific, I would go with Thy, by the North Sea. That’s my favourite part of Denmark.

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