After months the forum is still very, VERY slow

These buttons do work (I’m doing it now). They do have to be tapped twice in order to work.
But I agree with you that the reload of the page when you go back to the previous page is torturously irritating. [/quote]
So you can, thanks for pointing that out. I’d tried that before but just caused the screen to enlarge. Not very intuitive.

I have a fast internet connection here… upgraded it not so long ago
so i can upload huge video’s and all that… (hooray, takes less then 4 minutes instead of waiting 3hours) …

everything is superquick… except

today, I even have connectivity problems… internet explorer telling me
“cant display page” …

so yeah i agree with the rest of you… its just darn slow.

To follow up with some FREE diagnostic:
[li]None of the assets are gzipped (even though this is a standard practice on the web these days). [/li]
[li]No far-future expire headers are set (therefore nothing is cached client-side, so on every request the entire 1.5-2MB has to be downloaded - EVEN THE FONTS).[/li]
[li] There are like 5 separate Javascripts in the page, none of which are minified.[/li]
[li]All of the icons are separate PNG files, so a separate request has to be made for each 1KB file, instead of using CSS sprites.[/li]

And then there’s whole thing with CakePHP being slow - and at this point I can’t tell if it’s their database or just an inefficiently designed application.

Not that i’m here to tell their web developers how to do their job…
…but whatever their job is, thems ain’t doin’ it.

Just FYI, the industry standard for web apps these days is “1000ms to glass” - i.e. your page has to be rendered in under 1 second before the user starts getting annoyed.

My suggestion: switch to some good forum software. Even PHPbb will do. It will provide a better user experience than this over-designed slow thing you got going there.


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don’t use internet explorer… for your own safety!

there are seem to be talk back to google analytics, soundcloud and other places which a fuel to the fire…

lol, u DO know your stuff!! :+1:

This is unfortunate. It could be a great way to search the site, and cut down on recycled belly aching.

Some people may be looking in the wrong spot to fix the problem.

First off, I highly doubt they will be changing the software.

That being said, I would guess that people without speed issues are only those located in .se

I know the site is terribly slow for me (in the US).

Connectivity is likely the issue. Below is a test from one of the best data centers in the industry (meaning their connectivity, even worldwide, is excellent)…this ping was run from one of their data centers in the central US.

PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=46 time=171.098 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=46 time=169.970 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=46 time=169.628 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=46 time=168.653 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=46 time=169.161 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=46 time=168.711 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=46 time=169.692 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=10 ttl=46 time=153.507 ms ping statistics —
11 packets transmitted, 8 packets received, 27% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 153.507/167.553/171.098/5.359 ms

even changing to different software isn’t going to fix that problem :slight_smile:

there are ways to speed things up for everyone, regardless of location

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Maybe they are hosting it on one of the old sid-less C64s?

Or maybe they forgot to fit the TM-1?



Same issue for me, on both Mac OS and Windows, is really slow compared to all other forums I use on a daily base. Or put in otherwise, the fact that a forum is fast, allows a better browsing and a real enjoyable user experience (which is reading information BTW). Let’s cross fingers and hope an improvement.

Forums are a bit slow, yes. I agree with the suggestions above of implementing caching and compression.

That said there are some very slick features and the design is solid. If there’s one thing I could point to that really chaps my arse, it’s the search which as others have pointed out is pretty useless.

For it to be useful MINIMUM you need to be able to sort results by date.

In general though the results should be more compact and easier to scroll through. There’s too much wasted space on the page and it makes going through results even more difficult.

I end up using Google with “” for better results and filtering options.

some sites actually have their search form using google anyway

I would rather them work on speed before anything else…I can’t really do much (read/reply/etc) on the forums because it’s so ridiculously slow from the US.

Slow for me too, very slow. boomzeq is right, it’s very, very inefficient to be downloading the fonts and everything every single page load, and 45 separate image file calls does not help. I’m also finding long delays with the Soundcloud and Facebook calls.

I went back to elektron-users the other day to look up some old threads and it loads faster than elektronauts :zonked:

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Hmm, surprising to hear. It works ok for me on Firefox / Safari.

Or maybe I am missing something?[/quote]
I don’t think it’s a browser issue at all; it’s just that the pages load rather slow and sometimes very slow compared to some other forums out there; esp. those that run on Vanilla.

unfortunately i’ve to confirm that the forum is still slow and sometimes super slow :sob:
it seemed like it was a bit faster compared to few months ago but things have changed again.
got 504 (gateway time-out) few times and replying/editing is reeeally slow at times :expressionless: … changing servers/provider/page structure could perhaps be an option?

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it’s not really a question of what the problem is anymore…it isn’t an individual problem

however, I doubt they will abandon the software since it is custom…no idea if they will have time to get the servers set up properly either…i.e. geographically located, etc etc

even if their server was fast, the connectivity is an issue (at least for anyone not local to that ISP)

…as long as they are working on an Octatrack OS update :wink: