AI generated art

Did you get access to the SD Beta? Or is this DS Beta? I am really hesitant to DS since they have the most brutal pricing amongst all those tools, and SD was supposte to be open source…

pixel friends from dall-e


Tuning my workflow


Stable Diffusion is now open source and out in the world:

and of course their own paid offering:


I’ve been really happy with the results from stable diffusion so far, even compared to openai and midjourney.


They all have their strengths and weaknesses but SD is a good allrounder and the fact that they’ve open sourced it means people will build amazing things on top of it.

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This is just DreamStudio Beta - I’ve only paid for MidJourney so far…

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time to turn this up a bit :slight_smile:

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So I’ve been playing a bit more with DreamStudio and I’m pretty impressed with the results when you narrow into certain areas. It’s actually better at some stuff than MidJourney, although unfortunately not the kind of stuff I like.

Enjoyed creating these though :slight_smile:


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Who doesn’t like Scary as all get out clowns?!?!? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Props for taking on the task to save Ben Stiller.
I’d watch it :joy:


I’m not sure about that, with $12 for 1000 generations they are way cheaper than MJ.

So weird. Dream Studio is refusing to use parts of my prompt when entering things like Kid Robot vinyl toys. That’s lame. I haven’t liked my results so far in DS. Going to stick with MJ and see how far i can push it. I am really happy with its output for the work I’ve been able to collage together the past two days.

It definitely shines in certain areas but not others. I didn’t have a prompt issue but I did have an image returned that it wouldn’t show me as it detected it was against their policy. It was one of the clown images :laughing:

I also saw some slightly odd censoring on MJ too, and there’s a good discussion to be had about their role in controlling the output of art especially when they’re only the recipient of the license not the owner of it.

It trips up on a lot of gore subjects and although its fine if you write ‘kids’ I saw someone complaining in help that they werent able to generate a prompt that had ‘2y/o’ in it. As much as I can see the idea behind such restriction it also feels oddly heavy-handed for an art tool. Photoshop has never given me a warning because I’m using a colour too close to claret.

Over the shoulder shot of a man drinking from a wellington boot

He’s really getting in there

I’m not sure I approve of the efficiency of this guys methods


I realise that this is a graphics based forum, but if there are any aspiring musicians here, you might be interested to sign up for this:
From the people behind SD.

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I would guess it’s the “kid” part. I had a prompt with “child” in it that was refused, but then accepted when I replaced it with “man”

Hahahah…love it!

However it does let you generate manchildren