AI generated art

Amazed again​:raised_hands::exploding_head:
Do you do any post processing in a graphics program like photoshop? No the text blocks, that for sure not done by AI (although AI can write text, too), but like textures or additional coloring?

Yes Elden Ring is a great game.

Thanks. For this first round I’m focusing on improving the text prompts to get useful results. I then create a story around some
Imagery i feel works well together.

I’m very much using the Cut Up method of Burroughs and Surrealism to arrive at some sort of cohesive story line…I’m using the visual to induce a narrative in me and work through the source material to arrive at some sort of coherence for the reader (and i feel the process works for the sort of recognizable imagery i am pulling from the results I’m getting).

It’s just one big happy accident honestly :crazy_face:


After a busy day of chores and family, it’s time for another story:


I want to check it out, but definitely not this year (selling my game PC).


I finally had some time to sit down and process how i truly intend to use Midjourney for some visual work. The following image is a composite of several elements from the way i work to build visuals. I’ve been doing this forever and have a clear idea of how i can leverage the AI pipeline for my benefit. If Rauschenberg were alive today, i would love to see his take on exploiting the tech. I for one am enjoying the process of having access to true visual serendipity to create visual narratives the way i want to :crazy_face:

meta.morph | echo opera


It could almost become a collage of things that never existed

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It’s Sampling. It’s sampling :wink: Be sure and look up Robert Rauschenberg to better understand my reference. He broke down walls of perceiving in the visual medium like no other person…and also Russel Mills. Stuff is about to go next level over here Hahaha :crazy_face:


@echo_opera your midjourney results are very beautiful and inspiring. Love it!

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Thank you. It feels like a rebirth in a way that sampling opened up a new domain for me musically.

Haha sorry that wasn’t supposed to take anything away from it, it kind of just got me thinking - like, a form of scrap-booking based on random AI explorations - take away an element of control to gain an element of discovery.

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Totally taken as a positive. It’s why i pointed to Rauschenberg. You have the eye so you’ll connect the dots. :facepunch:t3:

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Could you not move the text in the narration boxes just sliiightly away from the top left corner towards the center, it’s so close to the border :cold_sweat: :cold_sweat:

But nice idea though, with having trippy image sequences. Are you weeding out a lot of images to get to somewhat consistent results? I’d imagine it might be not so easy to make the AI have specific characters appear repeateadly in these kinds of comics?

Burnt through my basic sub again so I’ll probably be a bit quiet until next month :laughing:

Experimenting with DreamStudio this morning, still working with it to get where I want but I’m getting closer - it’s definitely the best free tool I’ve used DreamStudio

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Ahh thanks for the feedback. I’ll see if ComicLife gives me margin controls on these text blocks :facepunch:t3: It’s tweaking out my design sensibility now as well :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Yeah I’m going through several different batches of renders to land on ones i think work well together. It’s early days and I’m not sure how much we can control once we find a sweet spot of style, etc.

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I saw that it came out. It’s pretty low res at this point right? Nothing larger than 1024 pixels or so right?

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How are you getting on with Stable Diffusion?

I used one of the generators to make the cover for my EP. “Astronaut drinking tea”

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Signed up for Stable Diffusion yesterday and burned through the credits quickly. I like the generation speed, plus it’s lightning fast, and it’s much cheaper than MJ. Less detail, but has some lofi grain to it, makes great album covers. The pics in my previous comment are all SD.
I’m also trying out, but it’s kinda limited (they boast “no prompt engineering” as if it was something good). But hey, it’s free (in slow mode).

Some more Material, working with cascaded prompts, never leaving my obsession qith Xenomorphs :grimacing: