AI generated art

Had another play tonight.
I like the idea of using Midjourney as a sort of altered dream journal. I get an odd sense of comfort when I prompt leads to something reminiscent of an internal experience. A sort of warm nostalgia.


A bit disappointing Mid-journey not accepting payments other than a creditcard. Am interested in a subscription but no PayPal.


whoohaa, i would like to have a play on this beauty!



I honestly prefer the MkI.
I think the form factor with built in case and simplified architecture made for a more immersive experience.


Is this MF DOOM inspired?
I had a play around earlier with some prompts related to him but didn’t get far.

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Love the second one. Yeah i was trying a few things.

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Had another good session today after about 100+ generations of rendering to land here after some Photoshop TLC:


Have a great Sunday everyone:

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A few more out of the oven today:

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Another day, another couple hours layering and having fun:


Have a goodnight everyone…and a great morning:

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MidJourney got a hefty update with V5, especially in the realism department. It is trained to render hands much better, at last.

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Mid Journey = the :goat:

i signed up to the v5 beta yesterday. mindblowing

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Well personally I think the whole A.I. thing is completey monstrous, and won’t touch it.

That said, if anyone got it to generate a picture of ‘Druuna’ in an ‘Arms Above Head’ pose wearing a tight T-shirt with the words ‘Beatmode Rocks’ written across it I’d be very impressed indeed!

It’d have to be in the style of the one and only ‘Serpieri’ to really impress me though!

I’ll confess in advance that my post above was actually an educational trap in hope of proving a point. I was very careful to use the name “Druuna”, and not a ‘description’ of Druuna. I was also very careful to mention the name of the artist who created and owns her, that being Serpieri.

Here’s why …

If one of you had tried inputting the data gathered from my post and it had thrown-up even a random woman with flowing black hair, large breasts and bright eyes, then that alone would indicate that the A.I. is using Serpieri’s IP. This is because Druuna is the name of his female character and he created the name as well as the character.

So if you hadn’t actually revealed to the A.I. that what you were wanting is a goddess-like woman with long, flowing black hair, large breasts and bright eyes, and it had done so merely with “Druuna” being part of that description, then that is IP theft, plain and simple.

And the irony of this monstrous A.I. bullshit is that they’re owned and operated by the very companies (Google for example) that routinely remove your uploads and de-monetize you if you so much as use even a second of someone else’s IP in your videos!

Oh the fucking irony, eh?
I mean did any of you think about that?

In a thread about A.I. generated art, this is a justified rant regardless of whether the A.I. lovers want to hear it or not. For the sake of humanity, I urge others to spread these facts wherever or whenever this ugly A.I. bullshit rears it’s ugly head, and hope that it spreads some much needed education on the matter.

Attached is a forum-safe image of Druuna produced by the original artist. It’s a demonstration of skill that far exceeds the skill required to enter text into a fucking input box in order to generate “art” by leeching off a real artists hard work, blood, sweat and tears.

And while I honestly have no idea whether the A.I. would have stolen Serpieri’s IP, if someone had punched the description I gave you into the A.I. and it had generated a woman that matches the description of Druuna, that would mean the owner of the A.I. is stealing Serpieri’s IP and would even prove that to the A.I. “Druuna” is a woman even though you never pointed this out to the A.I.

A man, a woman and even a dog could wear “a tight T-shirt” and that, as well as the name given, is just one example of how you can catch this bullshit out and expose it for what it actually is, that being IP theft on an epic, corporate scale.

What we’re all witnessing here is a blatant, unashamed demonstration of how truly unaccountable and powerful these corporates must be in order to get away with such blatant theft.

It’s completely fucking monstrous, period.

Well said, babe!!! :joy: