AK as audio interface via OB issue/question

Hey dear Elektronauts,

I have a question that might be really simple to solve (or isn’t solvable), but I have yet to find the answer after trying to search for it online.

My set-up:

  • Analog Keys acting as an audio interface via OB. Routing either individual tracks or stereo output to Ableton.
  • Ableton Push 1 playing plugin instruments in Ableton.

When I record the AK and Ableton midi and audio tracks simultaneously, the recording of the AK track(s) will always also record a sort of ‘bleed’ from the Ableton tracks.

I wonder, is it possible to eliminate this unwanted ‘Ableton noise’ from my AK recording, whilst using the AK as audio interface? Maybe it is not and I should just use a dedicated audio interface. Or maybe I have my settings configured all wrong. Thanks in advance!