AK in Logic w/Overbridge - sanity check?

Just wondering if everybody is setting up this way or if there is a better way.

  1. Add instrument track => Analog Keys 1xStereo + 5xMono
  2. Set it to output MIDI Channel 1 - press Trk 1 button, record part
  3. Add External MIDI track, set output to Analog Keys
  4. Set it to output MIDI Channel 2 - press Trk 2 button, record part
  5. Repeat steps 3+4 for Trk 3 / Trk 4

So in general is that the expected method of integrating it? 1 Inst track and 3 MIDI tracks? I was expecting some way to work with multiple Instrument tracks since the External MIDI track is typically for that… external devices, not plugins.

EDIT: I tried creating the instrument track with ‘Multi Timbral: 4 Parts’ which worked great in that it made 4 Inst 1 tracks each with its own midi channel and I could record/playback perfectly, however it created 3 other sets of 4 tracks with midi channels 1-4. I don’t really get that.

EDIT 2: it makes the ‘correct’ number of instrument tracks if I just select the Stereo configuration of the plugin, but trying to set it up as multitimbral with 1xStereo + 4xMono it creates a shitload of instrument tracks. Very odd because if you choose 1xStereo + 4xMono without Multi Timbral it only makes the 1 track.

EDIT 3: I noticed in ‘Multi Timbral’ mode though it ‘just works’ when you set it up, you can’t mute one of the individual midi data tracks, pressing Mute mutes all of them… bizarre. Sorry, still getting familiar with Logic.