AK weird patch behavior after hitting record

Was just playing a patch, hit record and it instantly changed the sound. Sounded like everything got less fizzy/open/harsher sounding all of a sudden. And now the patch is permanently different. Tried reloading sound and kit etc quickly. Common glitch? Didn’t touch anything except record. Was just sketching something out quick, had to leave straight after I quickly programmed the notes, so I didn’t have time to investigate/try to really troubleshoot… Patch was definitely different ‘from nowhere’ tho…

Connected to the computer?
Record could then launch the DAW which could send cc to the AK?

Thanks for the suggestion but no midi/USB cables connected :confused:

Turned my Keys on this morning and everything is back to normal. Weird…

Didn’t try recording a sequence again yet. Hopefully won’t make it go twilight zone again…