AKAI Force

Page 70 of the manual: Press and hold Shift and then press and hold the track 5 Track Assign button.

I didn’t even know that page existed! Also learned recently that there’s a system resource page and a MIDI monitor too.


If you have record enabled you can hold shift and turn on/off the metronome for the record enabled state. I have the opposite problem as I turn on the metronome in “play” mode, then it disappears when I start recording because I forget to enable it for recording. :slight_smile:

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Cheers guys.

I can toggle the Metronome on/off with Shift/TR 5 but i simply can’t get it to stop automatically after the count in.

That’s all i want, for it to stop automatically after the Record count in. The manuals states this is possible, it just isn’t happening.

Ok, so what I’m actually irritated by is when I press ‘Stop All’ the Metronome keeps playing.

So what’s the difference between Stop All and Stop?


I press ‘Stop All’ the Metronome keeps playing.

Do you have the Beta? Maybe it stopts the clips but the arrangment keeps playing?

No, not using the beta.

I’m on 3.0.4

So i’ve had the Force a short while & only really started trying to work it out.

So what’s the difference between clip launching & arrangement? I haven’t seen an alternative way of playing sequences/clips etc.

Slaved gear stays synced when pressing ‘STOP ALL’ to only stop the playing clips. When pressing transport ‘STOP’, MIDI Clock/MTC sync stops being sent.

I just tested - that doesn’t appear to be possible.

The arranger is in the betas. It’s like a traditional DAW timeline, like Cubase, where you can arrange your clips, or record directly to it.


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Thank you. Much appreciated.

I got it working here. Stop the Force. Make shure the rec isnt enabled. Hold shift and activate metronome. Press record while stopped. Hold shift to make shure the metronome isnt enabled. Then while record is enabled press play. The count in has metronome, but stoppes as soon as it starts recording.

But the metronome will start again when going out of record i guess. Is that your problem?

Thanks. I’ll give this a go tomorrow.

MIght be a stupid question, but if I use the Force to sequence all my hardware synths how do you guys record the audio? External Mixer? DAW?

I use an external mixer, and have direct outs from the mixer to my DAW. So i record all individual synths to Cubase. Sometimes i just sample to clip in the Force and “mix” parts of the song there. I love the Mother Ducker, so i sometimes want that on some of the external gear.

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Sound on Sound have short article up regarding OS 3.05.

But still no official release.


Lots of leaks on the Facebook Akai Force Group (Public), and there’s a changelog on the MPC Forum, for those interested.

still no drum-synth instrument?
the myth lives on.

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New plugins weren’t expected on this update, they are in beta though for the next update. Hopefully disk streaming will make it to beta soon as well as it’s strongly rumored to be coming.


Even without drum synths this is massive update, plenty of things I would not know how to use (Envelope follower and pad macros for example) but the arranger works great, the crossfader is now useful and Ableton import is quite a big deal if you use Live


For those that want to jam and aren’t great key players. Use scaler in ableton to build all of the chord progressions you want. Drag them to midi tracks in ableton.

Now import that ableton file into the force. Select each midi clip containing a midi progression, open it up and select edit >> create user progression. This lets you save the midi progression to the force to pull up whenever you like. If you label the scale correctly the first time, you can then transpose it as well.


it looks like the Force or the whole MPC-series have a lot of power under the surface… seems to promising

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Amazing update. Hopefully the macros will wipe away any lingering doubt I felt about selling the OT.