AKAI Force

It cant be done in one “Track”. So if you are thinking of drums, you will need to duplicate the track, and change the length. Its a little more work, but its not that hard. And you then have different clips for the different lengths, so you can easily start one. Then bring in more as you want. You can also set the clips to “legato” wich means they wont restart when changing scenes.

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You can set up multiple tracks using the same preset in instances of the same internal plugin. Then change cell length in the individual tracks to match your purpose. You’ve got fairly granular control over this, down to 1/100th of a beat.

I’ve not moved outside the box yet to know whether multiple tracks can share the same MIDI channel.

Out of interest: Does anyone know if you can do 3/4 or 6/8 time signatures on Force. I haven’t found any info on this.

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Adjust track length to whatever feel you are after. Example: you can set up a track/clip to be 2 bars long with three beats per bar.


Thanks! This is very helpful!

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Does anyone know how you can record two external instruments, or say vocals and guitar on two tracks at the same time? It seems this does not work.

It is not possible to record to two tracks at the same time. You could possibly record them on one track. Then go to sample edit and extract each channel and import to new clip. But i havent tried that. Not that smooth though.

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thanks… this is quite a bummer, as it’s got two inputs…
I just did some research and it should be possible in the next firmware. whenever this happens.

stupid question perhaps, but if I were to take the SSD from my Live and plonk it in the Force, would I be able to access all the files? considering making the switch, but wonder how smooth the transition might be

Never tried it but there shouldn’t be a problem

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We could test that.
Create a small project on you MPC, zip it and upload it somewhere. I could place it on my ssd and see if it loads.
Samples and stuff should be located inside the directory.

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I did exactly that. You won’t be able to import your songs.

as far as I know the Force doesn’t have a song mode, so that makes sense.
so everything else is accessible? the main thing from my pov, would be to access my samples, so it’s nice to know I wouldn’t need to format the drive and start from ground zero.

as somebody who switched from Live to the Force, how did you find the learning curve?

appreciate the offer! seems we have an answer

Samples are accessible, so are your programs/key groups.
The learning curve is not too step but I’ve had the Force for a while so I might have forgotten my frustration.
Sequencing is definitely better on the Force but editing samples is a bit of a pain as you need to trigger the sample from the screen not the pad. Or maybe that changed for the better in a recent beta.
But definitely an improvement on the Live although I miss the portability…

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One thing I’m not entirely sure about is placing samples within the grid view and converting them to clips . In the Live for example i like to use the drum grid and place fairly long samples, copy the same sequence and create different variations before placing them in song mode ready for export. Am i right in thinking, i could do the same thing (except for song mode) in the Force, but would have to export each sequence into a clip ready to be jammed out? And can each track on the Force have different clips as in variations of the same sequence

Im not familiar with Ableton. But every track in the Force can have several clips horisontally. So it is easy to copy a clip, and change something. You can insert long samples in a drum group, but when you place them in the grid, you only see the “midi note” in a piano roll editor. But i find that better than trying to have several samples in an “audio clip” on the Force.

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Where can I get a copy? I’ve signed up already and really want to get the ability to arrange.

The leaked google docs link is floating around. Try facebook.

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I’ve got a really boring and irritating Metronome problem.

All i want to do is have the Metronome play during count in but not during playback. I’ve changed the Metronome setting for this to happen but it continues to sound during playback.

The Force is set up so Record is enabled when i press launch. The clip then goes into playback mode instead of overdub, but the Metronome keeps playing. Can anyone shed some light on this?