AKAI Force

re: Dropoffs/timing issues when editing plugin while launching clips. No, haven’t noticed that. Tested in a heavy CPU/RAM session. Edit: It occurs occasionally. Depends on which graphics are displayed.

re: Arp/Note Repeat latency. Tested, seems the same to me. Edit: Still doesn’t occur on my Force, even when using ‘Stop All Clips’ instead of Clock ‘Stop’ in the upper-left.

Are you using internal MIDI Clock sync?
Are any of your external MIDI devices sending nonstop MIDI data like MTC/Clock/SPP/Active Sense? (check the Force’s MIDI Monitor, also available in the drop-down menu).

Just using the Force on its own. 2 plug ins, 1 drum track.

Note repeat is not rectified but any change of TC parameters.

How much latency is there when pressing a pad when Arp is enabled?
When recording, it doesn’t start at 1:1:0?
Maybe a factory reset? Not sure if it’ll help the Force, but it’s required after updating the MC-101/707. Timing was sloppy otherwise, missed pad trigs, etc.

And here’s the video of the drum/plug in issue.

Apologies for short duration and camera sound.
At first you can see me switching between 2 different plug ins without issues. When I switch from drum to plug in you can hear the problems.

The odd thing about the Note Repeat problem is that when I’m recording a clip triggering the pads isn’t a problem. I can record on time, on beat. It’s just when I’m using note repeat without recording.

I cannot see the videos. Can hear the sound though.

Thank you. It sorted out the Note Repeat problem. I’ll test the other issue later and report back.

Factory reset didn’t rectify the problem switching between drum and plug in tracks.

And now the Note Repeat issue is back.

Edit: now it’s gone.


Could you zip the .xpj + folder, upload to Dropbox, and PM me with the link.

Okay I can see your 2 videos now. Yeah, it’s pretty awful, and not the way mine behaves. Try powering it down for 15 minutes minimum. Then reflash the firmware.

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Taking a break from it. I’ll try later and report back.

Thanks again, for all your help.

Could it maybe be, that even though it is not playing, there is a “clock” running in the back? So it would only play the first hit if you press on a specific point… I’ll try later and see if it happens to me as well

Anybody running Cubase and Force here? Would like to hear if you can succesfully slave Force via MTC? When i try the Force is late. And if i try to start at for example bar 9, it start at a different time, so i cant just adjust for “latency” to get it correct.

I get perfect sync if i slave Cubase to Force via MTC. But that makes it a bit of hassle as i then have to sync my other gear to Cubase via midi clock as i cant send both midi clock and midi time code from the Force at the same time.

Electribe 2


SONAR here, syncing Force via MTC - Force is ahead by a few milliseconds. 30fps non-drop-frame. Locate/Goto is fine. iConnectivity mio.

Edit: tested some more: Tested several MIDI & audio interfaces. Slaving Force to SONAR via MIDI beat clock is late. With MTC it’s early.

I don’t think Force likes to be the slave. But SONAR is sloppy too.

Ableton Link (which doesn’t use MIDI and has no position info) is surprisingly the tightest, and that’s over WiFi. Of course not enough DAW software has Link. (Live, Reason, and lots of iPad apps have Link…)

Wish I still had my SyncGen.

Thanks. Might be something with Cubase then. I’ve tried different midi interfaces, but the result is always the same. Need to find something else that sends Mtc to see if it is Cubase or force that’s acting up.

Re the Note Repeat issue.

Someone on FB commented and it was correct.

“my guess is the Force was still in “play” mode, even if you stop the launched via launch buttons, so it was quantizing to the 8th note or whatever, then once reset it no longer does that until you play clips again. Next time try hitting the “stop” button on the top left & see if that fixes it!“

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I was not far either then :crazy_face:

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