AKAI Force

Hi all - first post here on Elektronauts. Got my Force a couple of weeks ago and I’m loving it. I’ve made more tracks since I got it than in the last year!

Just wanted to mention that you can actually re-arrange tracks. The process can feel a little clunky but it works and it’s better than not being able to do it.

With the bottom half in clip mode, hold down the copy button, press the track select button (1, 2 3 etc) of the track to copy, and while continuing to hold down copy, press the track select button of the track you want to copy it to. Copy it to an empty track at the end unless you want to overwrite an existing track. Then you can hold down the delete button and press the track select button for the original track to delete it.

So you can leap frog tracks around in this manner. You can also rearrange scenes in a similar way with the copy/delete buttons and the launch buttons. Hope that helps.


Thanks for the useful tip @LightBringer and welcome.

Another trick is to hold EDIT while pressing one of the LAUNCH buttons on the right, to insert Rows. ‘Insert & Capture’ inserts a new Row with only the Clips that are currently playing.

I still haven’t got through half of the 3.0.5 update yet.


thank you that makes a big difference!

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Hi! The CTRL encoders of an OT Miditrack can‘t be mapped from external, right?
So I‘d have to use the ccs of audiotracks.

Would it be possoble to plock the force this way?

Not sure, but don’t think so. Never tested them together when I had an OT. Tested with Model:Cycles but it’s parameters are already hard-mapped to CCs.

Force can send CCs from MIDI tracks. Force’s parameters don’t appear to be map-able to CCs, other than CC7 and a few others. I haven’t found a MIDI implementation chart. And haven’t tested Macros in-depth yet.

Curious to see if anyone can replicate a crash i keep having.

Select Hype Synth Preset ‘Sweep Whine’ in the ‘Lead Soft’ category. Go to Macros, Envelope Follower & choose an LFO to modulate Osc Select. It crashes my Force every time, with a ‘Recovered from an internal error’ message.

The preset’s terrible by the way. Just randomly going through the sounds and this crash occurred (4 times now)

I tried a few different scenarios with the above issue. Had a couple of different plugins running, a few drum kits/ clips running. Various envelope follower modulations going on and also some pad grid mods happening. A fair amount of modulation and glitched out fx running smoothly. A lovely thing to behold. Load the problematic patch, do as described in my post above and it crashes again. I’m going to see if modulating other parameters will cause a crash. Although I don’t like deliberately trying to crash my Force.

I’m not really knowledgeable about crash messages. Should I be worried about the ‘Recovered from an internal error’ situation/message?

Also from the manual.

“To carry the playhead position from one clip to another in the same track, tap the Legato button. When active, the playhead will continue from the same position as it was in the previous clip of the same track when switching between clips. This is useful for creating seamless fills in drum breaks, working with an acapella track or other scenarios where you would like a clip to play across multiple scenes”

On my Force the legato function doesn’t quite work as expected. The clips don’t play from the exact position where the last one stopped. It seems a bit random actually. Any advice or settings i should be checking? Thanks

I use the legato only when doing clips with odd lengths. That way it keeps it’s correct position when changing scenes. It does reset when you stop. I think it is for changing scenes only.

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Thanks. Going to have another go tonight.

I got it working correctly. I had to change each clip quantise to get it doing what i was expecting. seems obvious now.

Does anyone else find sometimes that the display above a Q-Link knob won’t display anything until you touch it?

It doesn’t happen very often, and only occurs when I choose a new display or f-link. I’ve checked in the Facebook group and no one seems to have this issue so I’m wondering whether I have a faulty unit (only had it 4 days so can’t ask to swap it out if so).

Edit. Sorry, read your post incorrectly


Is it possible to connect a guitar, a mic and two mono line signals at the same time into the force?
I think it is, but I’m not sure.

Thank you for your help,

No. It only has two physical inputs.

I see.
Is it then possible to do any combination of those 3 into the force?
2 of those: mic, instrument, line?

Thank you very much.

Yeah. It should be possible to connect one mic and one line input. But if you want to record more I would get a small mixer with an six bus. That makes it easy to route what ever you want to the force when you want to.

Thank you!
That sounds great!

I plan to sequence my 707 with it, and live loop voice and ukulele to it.
That should work great (I can then route voice and ukulele as separate tracks (into ext in, and return in on the 707) and multitrack all at the same time into my daw.

That is one thing I want to do with it, and I guess that should work.

I want to hear what you make with that combination!

I am trying to decide between the MC-707 and Akai Force, and leaning toward the Force. Seems like you prefer the Force for sequencing. How about the sounds? Do you think the 707 sounds better than the Force or just different?

The force is a great standalone performance and production device. If you like the workflow you can do near to everything with that tool without using a computer. The sampler is also great, the auto sampling makes creating multi sample instruments very easy etc.
But if you are looking for a sound generation device, in my opinion, the Force (and the MPC) is not the first go to. I didn’t like the synth engines on the device at all. Maybe it was me not being able to handle it, but I didn’t like the sounds at all.
To be clear: the sound quality is great on MPC devices. With a little tweaking even the effects can sound great, I am purely talking about the use of the synths and their tone/vibe.