AKAI Force

I’m getting my force unit tomorrow so i can’t say anything about it’s synths. But what I heard on countless yt vids they are really okay. I will play in the first run a lot with its synths, because I guess programming macros and whatnot seems fun and at first I want to know the new box better.

I love the 707 for it’s newly added random sound generation thing (great source for inspiration if you know them presets…), and that I can multitrack everything in one go into the daw. I like to edit and fiddle without computer, but afterwards I’m always ending in the daw. That means 8 synth voices, + 4 line inputs in any combination (is it 2 monos, 1 stereo, or whatever) is very nice.

But I don’t like the missing arranger on the 707. Scenes is nice, but not enough. I want to program the whole song and deeply edit it. On 707 with OT combi it takes a long time to do this. In the end I want to press play and “that’s it”. I want to have the song finished and only do final touches, mixing adjustments in my daw. That’s why I first used the Octatrack to sequence it, because the arranger is okay on it. But the pattern based approach on elektron devices is not that what I actually want. It’s great for improvising, but not for songmaking (for me…). It takes too long to make a song or to edit things (again, for me…). I used the octatrack as sequencer only. And for that it’s a bit limited althought midi lfo and arp, etc is quite fun!

I hope I can manage to map the faders and knobs midiwise from 707 into the force. That would be great. I see that combination as one instrument like i did with 707+OT.

But first things first.

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Thanks for taking the time to share your thoughts about the 707 and your plans for the Force.

I am on these forums because I got a Model:Cycles a few months ago. I really like the sound, but have started looking for a groovebox that would make it easier to make entire tracks.

I started looking seriously at the 707 because of the sound engine, clips/scenes feature and hand on controls. More recently, I noticed the Force was around the same price and has a lot of other features. The synths sound pretty good in the demos I have heard, but I should look for more. I guess they won’t be as good as the Roland, but I am warming up to the idea of using more samples as well as the auto-sampler with my hardware synths.

Trying to make an informed decision because I live in a location where I cannot find a store with one and shipping is expensive if I want to send it back

Anyway hope you get on with your Force! Let us know how it does with the 707 and the ukulele if you have a chance.

I totally agree, once you have some samples/loops the Force is really quick to go from idea to track but I don’t like the internal synths too much, I kinda struggle with the interface.
Effects are good, love the motherducker compression, I struggle with the reverbs, but overall it’s a great all in one box, to the point that I recently get a Rytm and I struggle to ‘feel’ it as the Force spoiled me…

Akai just added a drum synth with 8 variations plus a multi (that uses only 1 of 8 plug-in slots). I prefer synthesizing everything, so this pushed me over the edge of indecision…

I found a good example of making some techno from scratch with it.

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It’s a rather good drum synth. More useful for my needs than Rytm tbh.


The more I edit on the Force, the less I use the 707.
The addition of drum synth is really great too.
Love it so far, it’s really a great all in one.


What are your current thoughts on the plug-in synths?

I like the drum synth, I’ve never been a fan of the other synths, they sound good but I dislike the interface…

Well, bread & butter. They work and are good sounding.
The presets are solid and a good starting point.
If you are more into experimental stuff you can sequence other gear and sample anyway.

I don’t mind the interface like Automageddon says.
I like the option to put different parameters into one knob with that macro functions.
It’s easy to edit if you find out how this works.
Works with the fader too!
If you make your patch and config your knobs you won’t need to look at the interface anymore.


Yes I find them all much more useful if automating with the various options. But I’ve also found the Drum Synth to be of a much higher quality than the synths.


I keep forgetting to mention it, but it’s really easy to assign ‘range’ of parameters to the cross fader and this can give you super dynamic sounds, capable of changing the sound completely. I don’t use scenes as much as they need longer to setup, but the crossfader is a breeze


The new drum synths sound really good in my opinion. I like them better than Maschine’s.


Got one a few days ago. So far I am finding the built-in synths to be quite usable. Hype is a weird beast, but I am finding presets that I can tweak to my taste.

The new envelope follower function includes LFO options that can be applied to almost every parameter (not just synths). This is pretty powerful.

I love the feel of the pads and the numerous play modes. The macro knobs are great, but the UI text is tiny, especially on the knob screens. Still, the default knob mapping with the plugins is intuitive and can also be customized. The touchscreen is more like a Kindle than an iPad, but it works. Still have not tried sampling and tons of other functions.

The Force is deep and will require time to master. Ironically, I got it to make music without the computer, but for now, I have the manual pdf open and am constantly searching it as I learn the functions. (The manual should be on the device!) Still, I am making music and enjoying the journey.

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Does anyone know it there is anything like Elektronauts for Akai? The official forum seems to require an invitation…

The forum you are talking about is for beta testing.
You may try mpc-forums but I don’t think the “atmosphere” is the same. It is not an official Akai forum of course.

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Its very ghosty in the beta forum, nothing to seek for.
There is a force user group on Facebook.
Not very open for criticism tho. :sweat_smile:


That would probably explain why the thread on gearslutz runs to 850+ pages lol


Thanks. This does seem to be the best public forum for the Force. Not lively. Incidentally, the Reddit had not had a new post for 6 months…

so what’s the current state of the Force and what are you force users expecting officially?


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