AKAI Force

I don’t know what’s officially coming. I saw around a few posts on improvements to the sequencer but those were from random users so it might be wishful thinking as there isn’t a new beta at the moment .
The Force in it’s current state is a beast. For me is the workflow, I turn it on, load some samples, lay a few clips then I start adding midi, plugins ( not often) and sample audio from external gear. Track base in 5 minutes.

The step sequencer works best for one shots, for longer notes or notes with different duration I just play, I really miss a quick way to edit pitch and duration, but not a show stopper.

Arrangement mode works well too, and you have a huge number of ‘live’ tools, like scene view, knobs, cross fader. The envelope follower is something I grossly underuse.

It’s not perfect, browsing an expansion or library without sample tagging is painful and some menus feel disjointed but I personally have never been more productive with a standalone tool.


The Facebook group is quite active too, gearslutz has a huge thread.

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There are alphas out for over a year with an improved step sequencer where the knobs control step pitch/gate/vel. Probability too.

Hopefully they will be in the next Beta. I’d love to just hold a pad in the step-sequencer and edit pitch/gate/vel with knobs a-la Elektron…

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Anyone using Splice with the Force?

I’m trying to delete all the unwanted Splice samples. I can delete them from the Force itself but i can’t see an obvious way of removing them from Splice. I can remove them from the Splice folder on my Computer but if i Sync the Force with Splice the deleted samples/packs reappear on the Force.



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How do you get on the alpha team?!

Reply from Splice.

“Thanks for writing in. Unfortunately, we don’t currently have that feature at this time. We’re glad we have users like yourself who let us know what we can do to improve our platform and the user experience. We’ll share your feedback with the Product team and use it as insight!”

That’s ridiculous.

Looks like i’ll be deleting my account then, as i’m a bit OCD about unwanted samples.

Well, that can be quite a hassle for them with deleting Samples. The thing is: You bought them. Just deleting doesn’t make it alone. They need also give you access to them again, because as you bought them, you might come back later and say “Hey, I bought XY, now it’s gone, but I want it”. So they need to keep track of what Samples you bought, what you deleted (so they don’t sync them back), build a UI for deleting, making sure, you are real about deleting, build a UI for undeleting etc. That’s lot more features, what need to be built, maintained and most resource-hungry: supported. People missing samples that they forgot they deleted, calling customer support etc. Giving customers power leads to a lot of possibilities for customers to mess up blaming the company, causing support, causing bad rep. Its way easier to just don’t implement something you know will lead to high costs by user support :wink:

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This is all true.

But i deleted my account anyway & i feel ok about it.

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Hey All,

I’m struggling getting the Force to control VST synths inside my Mac. Does anyone have experience with this that might be able to walk me through it or recommend a good video? I’m on the latest force firmware and trying to connect via usb.

Have you installed the Akai Midi network driver? I use that if i want to send midi from the Force to my mac.

That way you can select Remote on the track in the Force, and set up the q-links to the midi cc needed to control the plugins.

I dont think the usb sends midi out. The Force works like a computer, so it supports midi interfaces directly, but it doesnt work like one. I might be wrong here, as i never tried using it that way with usb.

I’ve just ordered a Force. Can’t wait to get stuck in! I’ve spent the last couple of years using the OT as essentially a daw replacement, but I can’t shake the need for a proper linear sequencer to actually get tracks finished. Song mode on the Force looks ideal; I think they’re gonna make a powerful combo!


The forces arranger is awesome. Totally sold it for me too, and really pleased with it

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I love it for audio, moving around clips is great, midi not so much.
I mostly build my tracks in lines of clips, then I record my performance on the arranger and edit some bits.
But overall I’m super-happy with the Force, even though I sue about 10% of it’s capabilities at the moment…

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The arranger is basically the reason I bought it. It seems a bit more fiddly and overall ‘computery’ (not surprising at all given it is literally just a linux computer) than the OT, but I think they’re going to make a killer team. It’s also great to have a decent mix view with plenty of FX slots, and the pad grid is super nice.

I’m new to the game but I gather the ‘song mode’ is new in the 3.0.5 update - is that what you mean when you say ‘arranger’?

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I havent used the arranger that much. But the times ive used it ive always just recorded clips into it. I think the easies way is to make clips with the audio, drumgroups, keygroups and then record it “live”.

I always multitrack everything to Cubase at the same time. And then i export all audio from the Force as separate tracks and import to Cubase to be able to mix everything better. Not something i do that often as i usually dont have the patience and just export the stereo mix anyways. :slight_smile:

But after the 3.05/06 update the Force is a killer centerpiece in the studio.

How does it compare to 707? Thanks!
Better workflow than Mpc Live?

Yes, you can record/compose in linear fashion now.
I still tend to stick to clip mode 90% of the time, then record my jam in song mode.

is there anyone on the beta team even requesting tempo per clip/scene or time signature per clip etc… and has Akai said anything about it?