AKAI Force

I can request it if you like.


oh my goodness yesā€¦ without at least those two itā€™s very difficult to put down a push 2 and pick up the forceā€¦, already there is no warp marker manipulation via the knobs on the force soā€¦

thank you thank you thank you

Could someone confirm thet the clip time-stretching (tempo adjustment) algorithm is the improved one, rather than the rubbish one on the MPCs?

It is the improved one. But still kind of rubbish. There is an offline stretch that is pretty good. Takes a couple of seconds to do.

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A dev friend works for them. I believe the alphas are only shared among the devs. Iā€™ve never tested one, but my dev bud actually makes music and wants to see some Swedish-tricks in the Akais.

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Thatā€™s a great way to put itā€¦ Swedish tricks. I love my force, but a little Elektron style influence on it would make it even more of a beast.


If owning the Force, will the Keystep Pro bring anything of value to the table as sequencing goes?
(Except the keys)



Thanks! When you say rubbish, what kind of rubbish? :slight_smile:

Prices here in the UK seem to be a bit all-over the shop. Ā£800 to Ā£900.

New stock is projected for end of January. Wonder if I should wait?

Here is a quick test I did a while ago. The offline isnā€™t bad but the real-time isnā€™t really that usable.

Thanks! Doesnā€™t sound fantastic Iā€™ll agree.

I guess the other way I could look at my issue, is being able to increase tempo during a set and be able to select appropriate clips.

That might just be 1bpm per jump in most cases.

If you donā€™t use downloaded or sampled loops, I would deconstruct the loop to single shot sounds. Or make a dedicated clip for the tempo change transition.

It is always possible to work around problems if you do some planning. I rarely use samples I havenā€™t made myself. So I almost never use the warp. And when I do it takes like 5 seconds to do an offline time stretch anyway.

The clips could well be midi clips for my purposes, but I very much like mixing up different drum part grooves. Iā€™d need to be able to potentially select new sounds though per clip.

I could do what Iā€™m aiming for, with multiple machines - but Iā€™m trying to cut down the set-up, which is why the idea of Force appeals as a setup core for live work.

Tried Elastique Pro on the software MPC. Good enough for my purposes I think. Does Force use that for clips, or is it manual?

Elastique Pro is manual/offline on the Force. I believe it was added in 3.05.

Forceā€™s realtime TS algos are Basic and Pro Ten - the consensus is that Pro Ten sounds less natural compared to Elastique Efficient, which isnā€™t available on the Force, but is available in most DAWs so you can test there. imo, Pro Ten sounds like EE with an exciter at the end, and itā€™s a good match for glitch or lofi hiphop.

Donā€™t tell me, the only thing I donā€™t rest like of the Force is the step sequencer.
Actually not the step sequencers (Iā€™m using plural on purpose) but editing note length and pitch on them.

So, how do you like the Force, Traintracs? I just scored a used one at a good price, so really looking forward to digging in.


Congrats! I felt I had to reply to you here as well, since Iā€™ve replied to you two other places about the force. He he.

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