Akai 'Tom Cat' / 'Timbre Wolf'

yeah, interesting point. Im always on the lookout for what is going to become the next classic thing. I wonder if it might be in the digital realm however. As music software becomes increasingly subscription based there might be a precedence placed on the old versions that were used to create particular pieces. E.G - people hunting down a 2011 edition version of NI massive and running it on a pre ssd 2010 macbook pro to get an accurate vintage ‘skrillex sound’ or something.

I hope its gear tho. I also hope the Tom Cat is fun. Hey, i love disco toms :smiley:

A lot of hating going on.

What do you expect out of a $200 Analog drum machine¿

I bit on the Rhythm Wolf when they first shipped. I’m still happy with the purchase. Certainly worth $200 IMHO

I played with the Tom Cat at NAMM and I will certainly be purchasing one as well.

The Timbre Wolf has some firmware issues to be worked out in regards to tuning. The rep assured me these issues will be resolved by first shipment.
$500 Poly…

I don’t work for Akai, but I think some of you “haters” are looking at this in the wrong light.

Just my two cents.


As the science fiction writer William Gibson wrote:

The street finds its own uses for things.

At 4:15 in this video John Foxx says:

None of us know how to program anything really. What we would do is plug it in to the biggest amp we had, and play with it to see what were the nastiest sounds you could get.

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Can’t believe how underrated the Wolf is.
Sounds insane.
Just listen to Dan working his magic


Will I ever be able to forget this…

I probably gonna die laughing…

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With microcosm and model samples

Paid 200 for the timbrewolf yesterday. I really like it! Love how limited it is and love the sequencer which even its detractors seem to love. It’s really fun and I can see a cult following developing around it eventually.


love the vid - nice Harmonia/Cluster vibe hope you take it further

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That’s a long eventually.

Very kind of you to say! I’ve never posted a video before. It was just a quick jam, I’ll check that artist out!

Still loving the Timbrewolf!

I love the timbrewolf. I love the sequencer, the sound, the fact that it has individual outs. It’s cheap, crude and limited and I have such a soft spot for it!


Timbrewolf sounds amazing, especially through the Dr A delay and reverb!


I’m telling you all, the timbrewolf will eventually be sought after! Not to the extent of a 303, but if people looked at it for what it can do and not what it lacks…

It’s absolutely awesome!

Hope it’s ok to start this thread, the other one shares it with the tom cat and I thought it deserves its own thread.


So, what makes is so special?

I have a Timbre Wolf and the only special thing I’ve found about is that the resonance acts more like a bandpass filter. Which is not a feature and really limits it, but also makes it easy to make formants when in unison mode. So it’s fun to make sounds like this:


Nice. Are you manually tweaking the cutoff on two voices there?

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The Akai Jaw Harp!


@Claid somewhere between a jaw harp and a digeridoo


Nice. Are you manually tweaking the cutoff on two voices there?

Yep. One is at max resonance and the other about 75%. I would love to have some filter CV ins on this.

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tbf this kind of makes me want one lol

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