Akai 'Tom Cat' / 'Timbre Wolf'

A little while back I put this didge jaw harp patch to a trap beat. It cracked me up. It’s a patch that makes me laugh for some reason.


That is pretty badass.

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It’s a cool idea. I sampled your thing earlier and gave it some mid drive through a distortion on the mpc and it got almost 303ish. Really interesting sound with the rhythmic stuff. Definitely weird but I’d love to give the actual synth a spin. Is it an analog filter? I’m no electrical engineer but wouldn’t a cv mod be within the realm of possibility?

That’s awesome. Would love to hear a clip of what you did if you want to post it here. It is an analog filter. In fact the Timbre Wolf is “very analogue” in a way that it feels like it was designed by an engineer who hasn’t figured it out quite yet. Like the low end is really dense, in an organ-ish way. I always have to roll off the low end. So it actually sounds very warm, but gets muddy quick. There’s a guy on YouTube I saw a while back who added a bunch of CV mods to his, it seems like someone could easily add stuff to it. I have barely any familiarity with a soldering iron though…

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anderton’s old logo on the first post - it’s so 2000’s for sure :rofl:

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I bought a backup!


I’d love to a single-synth-album made with the Timbre Wolf, just to show it’s possible.

And here’s one:

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Nice! The one thing the Timbre Wolf did is get me hooked on the four voice format. I have eyes on a Perfourmer next.

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All the sounds (except the drums of course) in this thing I was playing around with tonight are Timbre Wolf.