Akuto Studio AKT-0.1 Chord Machine

Chord generator/player from Akuto Studio:

No idea of the price just yet – it’ll be a Kickstarter launching on 22 April 2023. You can sign up for an $80 discount on whatever it will be but the FAQs say this is limited to the first 100 units and more than 2,000 people have signed up (at the time of writing). Plus, they’re based in Switzerland, which means near enough everyone including those living in the EU will be paying for shipping/import taxes. Looks very nice though!


It looks very TE’s OP-1. Doesn’t seem to have MIDI Out, though.

From what I remember it uses midi via USB and comes with the adapter for midi din ports. But not 100% sure on that.

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Yeah, I wonder how it will pull that off. FAQs mention a midi dongle and that it has CV :thinking:

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Hmm, does the adapter also have an additional USB power port? I don’t see any mention of a battery.

That’s so close to TE that it’s near plagiarism.

I like it.


I am not sure either…

Found this demo on reddit;

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Hot item. They are over seven times their initial goal on Kickstarter, and there is 18 days left.

They have delivery set for January 2024. It can present a challenge for a company to scale up production volumes when the anticipated demand is exceeded by so much.

The “playing field” is a good idea.

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