All General Digitone Operating Questions

the weirdest thing about it is when i clear the pattern it behaves normally again… but yeah you could be right on the hanging midi note i guess

If there’s a hanging note it should be recorded as a trig so that’s probably not it.

having a problem over here. trying to play the DN with a usb keyboard via ableton. the keyboard is set to transmit on midi channel 4, ableton sees it as midi channel 4 and sends it to the DN via overbridge. DN auto channel is set to 4. am i missing something obvious here?

Check the solution made from the user tchu

Is anyone out there using the Digitone as an Audio Interface? My friend’s ancient scarlite bit the dust and we are supposed to record some modular jams over at his house. I was wondering if the DN might work in a pinch.

hi guys i have a problem about the sound pool basically on some track the soundpool sound totally weird and offset , i was thinking that the problem was some setting so i tryed to clear every setup but nothing , copied another track where the sound pool sound right and still the problem persist , is that a bug ?

I know portamento was added in an update. Awesome. But can portamento slides be recorded with the sequencer? Or does it only work when you’re playing it “live”?

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Good question / help ! Well I know you can turn portamento on and save it to a pattern then have the next pattern turn portamento off and it will be saved that way . The obvious test would be to try and Plock the porta if you can’t do that then you have your answer?

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yeah you can plock porta on/off as well as the slide speed. can also do the classic trick of only gliding when notes overlap.


I have had this ruin patterns, never figured out how to reliably reproduce it but it happens and it sucks. If you’re able to figure it out please send a bug report!

Oh oops yeah you can definantly PLock it I forget I do this all the time now! It helps me make acid basslines :slight_smile: along with the plockable slide and ASDR programming o locks and ASDR amp plocks :upside_down_face:

I’m having the same problem. May I ask what thing you finally understood? I’ve been back and forth over this and other related posts, the Digitone and Overbridge manuals. I’ve done internet searches and tried every config combination I can think of and still no joy. The trig keys send MIDI to another synth but no joy with a pattern.

I’m sure this is an I/O (Ignorant Operator) error but I’m stumped.

Have you set the channel in the midi seq?
Func + push midi ch knob on DN to activate midi out.

That was what I didn’t understand at first. I think the setting is on the Syn1 page and you have to essentially ‘turn on’ the midi port for each sequence.

sorry I’m very new to the porta function. would you mind sharing how you do these things? i’ve set an 808 type bass patch to track one. I have a trig on step 1 with the root C5, then a trigless trig on step 5 with it p-locked to C6. ive run this with portamento on the entire track, porta p-locked on only step 1, and porta p-lock on step 5. Nothing is really working. i mean It works when i strike the keys etc, but im going to that trap beat glide bass sound. When you mentioned gliding only when they overlap that came to mind. Any more pointers would be appreciated!

100% yes. i stream it into logic pro x and it works great for VOX

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I was actually running into this problem the other day. Maybe there’s a way to get the portamento to slide without retriggering the envelope of a new note but I couldn’t find it.

workaround: square LFO to pitch, speed 0.01, depth and fade to taste. make sure you plock enable LFO trig on the trigless lock.


How can i make parameter changes consistent over all patterns in a chain?

You can copy the track sound (hold the track button, press record = copy, you should see the inscription “sound copied” or something) to each pattern corresponding track (change pattern, hold track button, press play = paste).

You can also copy only the Page settings (hold the page button and press copy) and do the paste operation on the other patterns.

There is no such thing as common Kit for Digi series.

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You can’t. It’s not like the analogs or silver boxes that have kits. If you open a filter on one pattern then change to another it will not share the same kit. So best to treat each pattern as a section

Is there any way to record pitch wheel changes to a note in a sequence? Or after touch? Thanks !!