All General Digitone Operating Questions

I know I’ve successfully done this before since updating my Digitone to 1.30… and I believe also since 1.30A, yet now I seem unable to access the following feature: “It is now possible to live record Sound pool Sounds from the Sound Manager or Sound Browser”.

I have attempted creating a new project and using the Digitone standalone as well as with Overbridge 2, but no joy either way. The feature isn’t working with external MIDI or internal trig key presses. I don’t see a mention of it in the manual either, merely the release notes.

Live recording sounds from the sound browser menu seemed simple enough to put to use, as I had no difficulty accessing it after updating the OS initially. Any ideas on perhaps what settings may impede its functioning? Has anyone else had difficulties with this? Please help, I miss this feature so much!

Hi all, hope you are well. I’m a Digitone noob. I was just creating a couple of my own presets which I saved to Bank C. But then I couldn’t find all the sounds stored in Banks A and B. Every time I went to the Sound Browser, it only let me view the sound pool, or the +Drive which only now contained Bank C of my 2 home made presets. I turned the Digitone off and on again and all three banks, A-C, were visible again in the Sound Browser, but what was I doing wrong before? It has happened twice now and I have no idea, once I get to that point, how to re-view all 3 banks without turning off and then on.

There is a way to see only one specific bank. I think it is BANK + lower TRIGs (bank number). Maybe that’s what happened?

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Thanks! Yes this must have been it!

Is the Digitone Keys poly aftertouch? The keybed. I did not see it in the manual, I am assuming it is a no.

Nope, it’s not I’m afraid. It is a very nice keybed tho!

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I don’t know if here is the good place to do… but I’ve just watch the “fold” mode keyboard for the brand new Syntakt, just wondering if that’s possible to add in futures firmwares? Would be great that feature in digitone.

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This is the place. Yes KB fold would be great and I think it will come for the Digitone.

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Thanks, request done! :smiley:

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