All trigs up or down an octave on Digitakt

Hey there, is it possible to switch all notes in a pattern one octave up or down on for example Midi channel A?

This feature seems so obvious to me, but I haven’t found a way to do it yet.


Easiest way would be just using 2 different patterns and adjusting the midi notes.

Sorry, have to be more clear.

I was assuming, that there is an easier way, than doing it by hand for every single note.

I am searching for a way, i.e. a button combo like func. + up, which switches all notes up or down instantly.

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would have to check in front of the box, but with the midi track active/selected, you should be able to change the tuning for all notes on the trig page under note (encoder A) while your pattern plays. is that what you’re looking for?

Nothing that easy, no.

I’ve seen it asked for a few times over the years: hold the Page button (in step rec mode) while adjusting params so that all steps on the current page are altered. Would be so handy.


this is what i meant. is it close to what you’re looking for? video sucks, and you can’t really see what i’m doing, but it’s basically just changing the notes on all trigs for a track.

there is this trick, but only works with monophonic synths, with a very short glide (? or was it portamento the name?), in the TRG page, move one of the other notes that are not the note1. You can also make this move while pressing Func, then it jumps one octave, higher or lower.

The DT tries to play both notes, in a chord, but the monophonic synth only allows one, so it tries to play both at the same time and somehow the second one comes after and therefore has more priority.

ed. oh, yeah, my explanation is what rockpapergoat also shows

This does, what I was looking for, thanks for the advise.

Still, it feels a little bit like a workaround, I was hoping for a feature like func + up, which switches every trig one octave up. I start to realise, that this feature is not implemented yet. :expressionless:

It’s been a few years but it is still not here. Come on Elektron. We need Func+Up/Down to change octave of the sequenced trigs in sequencer mode. :expressionless:


Digitone and Syntakt have a Setup page with octaves shift and more.

Of course you can change tuning.

Transposition has never been Elektron’s strength, apart on A4 maybe…