ALMOST solved the Ableton/Monterey/Overbridge Sync issues

Hi all

Like many, I’ve been struggling with getting stuff synced up since I moved to Monterey.

I just bought a new top spec 14" MBP and hoped all my issues would disappear, but its worse than my old system - mostly now that I have to turn my Rytm off and on to get it to sync back up, only for it to drift slowly as I noodle around.

The solution I’ve landed on, is having Overbridge Sync and Transport turned off, and using Ableton to sync and reset/play the Rytm. This way I can dial in the delay and have it set to pattern in the MIDI settings, and I still get the individual outs over USB.

Also, I was getting crackles and pops, with the buffer set to 64 in Ableton settings, and overbridge matching. So I changed both to 256, which fixed the issue. But that’s not an ideal workaround for a brand new MacBook, which can handle a 64 buffer for everything else I’m doing. So now I’m set to 64 in Ableton and 256 in Overbridge with no issue. Goes against the guidelines but whatever works. Something is certainly up with Overbridge’s compatibility with Ableton and/or Monterey.

Now my drums are bang on grid, with the relevant compensation set in MIDI settings, and every time I hit play everything comes out just right, along with everything else coming in.

However, one issue has risen with this new setup…

Now, randomly, when I mute/unmute track 1 (maybe others too, but so far only the kick as I do that a lot :slight_smile: ) the Rytm stops playing, everything else coming into Ableton knocks out of sync, and a pause symbol comes into the window on the Rytm. I have to stop and start Ableton to get it back. Then it happens again.

Im not sending any midi messages out from the Rytm. Midi channels are turned off for every track and I’ve disabled USB midi out.

Any ideas what’s going on here? It feels like I was so close to FINALLY having an end to the annoyance of Overbridge. Tracking each part individually isn’t good for me, and using individual outs just isn’t realistic as I have so many other instruments coming in. So the multitracking of overbridge is a must for me.

Is there a way to set compensation for the plug-in, and go back to using sync/transport within overbridge? I have a nice little maxforlive thing called ‘Negative delay’ which I use for other stuff. But it didn’t seem to work with the track I have overbridge on. Ive found using the delay compensation under the tracks in session view just opens up a world of pain elsewhere, but maybe I’m wrong and that’s the ticket?

Long one, sorry. Better to give more info off the bad though init.

same deal here new MBP M1. overbridge inconsistent and jittery. i ended up just usinng my ERM sync box instead. i get very tight sync this way and my OT and Rytm are locked together and tight in the daw (no jitter 0ms latency from the grid). i multitrack with bass and kick split out on my rytm, the rest through the mains. then live perform each track separate on the octa.

IME, ithonestly seems like the way to go when syncing hardware drum machines and samplers to a DAW is a sync box. if they get overbridge to work that gives me another option. but i quite like the distortion on the main outs,

once i dial in and save the latency for each machine on the ERM, it is set and forget. overbridge latency changes every take. i cant deal with that type of inconsistency.


Ive emailed Elektron about the track 1 button somehow pausing playback. Super random.

Whilst you’re here - are you using Ableton on your new MBP? If so do you have to exit full screen mode with the keyboard shortcut and then enter back into it, each time you open live, in order to see the menu bar in full screen mode? And also, any issues with the trackpad or mouse? Mine is all over the place doing weird things, only within Ableton!

Nope. I am in Ableton now and going to full screen mode and back works fine. Trackpad as well. I have a MBP M1 16 gig and am on Monterey.

This really helped me. Thank you!

Where in the plugin is there the option to set buffer for the Elektron machines? For example, I don’t see anywhere in the Rytm plugin that has the option to set buffer.

I am using audio over usb, with sync and transport turned off, and all my Elektron machines are synced via my E-RM Multiclock.

So far, I have Rytm, Digitone, Digitakt, Syntakt, A4, clocked by Multiclock, sending audio over USB. Octatrack is also clocked by Multiclock, but I’m sending analog audio to my interface. Same goes for my other gear + eurorack.

Everything is locked in, to the grid in Ableton. No discernible issues yet, but I haven’t built a huge mix.

Settings took a little while to suss out, but everything seems to be playing nicely.

So what are you using for monitoring and how do you connect the Rytm to the MacBook?

I will play with my Rytm tomorrow, never felt it was that much off…