Alternate power cord question

I have a question about the cord that goes into the power brick for my Digitone. Is there any harm in replacing it with a shorter cord? The cord that goes into the power brick for my Surface Laptop looks like it has the exact same end on it. I’m not looking to replace the power supply brick itself, just wanting a shorter cord for less wire clutter.

I’m assuming this will be ok - maybe the only difference would be like the gauge of the wire inside or something? Just looking for some extra advice so I don’t fuck anything up…

verify the tip and sleeve on the cable you want to use have the same polar orientation as the elektron psu cable.

How would I go about doing that?

I’m now looking at my brick and the cable can be inserted in both directions, it is not orientation specific. I’m guessing that because it’s ac coming out of the wall and getting converted to dc inside the psu that the polarity of the thicker cable on the wall side won’t matter. You’ll probably be ok since that side is not polarity specific. Even with a slightly thinner gauge of wire I wouldn’t worry too much about it as long as there is not a transformer of some kind attached to the actual wall plug.

Well, it powered it on fine and I don’t smell any smoke so it’s looking promising so far. :slight_smile:

Honestly the two cords look identical. It’s just the one I received with my Digitone is like a million feet long. I’m also the guy that made the thread about how my Digitone reeked like men’s cologne when I first bought it, and this rubber power cord is the one thing that I’ve never been able to de-stank. Excited to switch it out for one that’s less offensive.

there should be no magic smoke on that end of the power supply, did you buy your digitone new or was the cologne a second hand upgrade to the machine?

Bought it on Reverb at the beginning of the year. It was a gift (that keeps on giving) from the previous owner.

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