Alternatives to Digitakt? 16-track Digitakt is a possibility?

you can minimize track usage by using sample slot modulation. Then a single track becomes a shaker, open and closed hat, and who knows what else all in one. Sync the LFO for repeatability or have it run free for never quite repeating but still structured grooves. Plus you still got the other LFO for another layer of flavor.

The key is to group your one shots and slices close to each other in memory then messing with the LFO depth shape and speed to obtain new grooves :slight_smile:

Personally I don’t think the OT is necessary for what you’re describing. keep it simple and in the box, push a little more you can squeeze that extra juice out of the DT alone!

Maybe you could consider adding an external midi drum synth/machine.

To overcome the “two boxes is difficult to manage problem” you could use the MIDI tracks of the DT to sequence other gear.

I probably get banned from this forum for admitting this but I sequence the DN from the DT’s MIDI tracks. No pattern length change problems, no duplicate projects, no sequencing on two devices, no patterns to match exactly on both devices, no clock issues.

You could do the same with another DT too or any other synth / sampler, and “extend” your DT with whatever you like.


I would never ban smart choices.

I was going to suggest the same thing.


I don’t even sequence my DN from an Elektron box



The obvious answer is TWO Digitakts. As @Jeanne pointed out one can be totally synced to the other, changing kits/patterns in sync, etc… so can effectively feel like one machine with two UI’s.

I’ve tried a lot of combinations of Elektrons and for me the sweet spot is finding two different ones with features that compliment each other… this can be DT/DN, DT/ST, ST/OT or (my current pairing) ST/DN. Or AR/A4 is always a classic duo.

That said, when I first got the ST I was so impressed with it that I was seriously considering having two of them as the hub of my setup… but then cooler heads prevailed.

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(curious, what do you use? :stuck_out_tongue: )

Pioneer sp16 ?
Can be found around £500+
Quite flexible to setup (16 tracks can be configured to be audio / midi )

It’s fine for fairly straightforward sample playback — digitakt could be more experimental. ( much easier to parameter lock and edit )
Needs a pc / mac to properly manage files though. Onboard file management is … non existent.they really should have finished it.

Pyramid/Hapax for me

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I agree. I would also add that when resampling on the DT it’s hard to get the right sample length. For example, on the OT you can use a recorder trig to set the sampling start time and set the number of steps to sample (or use QREC, or probably other ways).

I tried sampling drum loops a few times on the DT and when layering them with other drums I got small timing differences and it almost sounded like comb filtering, or like what parallel processing used to sound like in computers before delay compensation was a thing.

Oxi One for my synth voices - OT does drums and samples :slight_smile:

I don’t really use DN to its ‘full potential’ its mostly just the poly synth in my setup with the canny ability to handle an extra voice or two if needed.

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What do you prefer about the Oxi One over the Digitone sequencer. It looks pretty cool, but I’ve never used one.

I wonder if using a combination of the Oxi and the DN sequencer could also be interesting. Like maybe the Oxi for notes/chords and then the DN sequencer for p-locks.

For me personally it’s mostly about harmonization, chord tools and how the sequences can work together. It’s convenient having it all in one place, and with all the CV options I can do cool Eurorack stuff with it.

I feel like this wasn’t possible in the way that I wanted it but I can’t really remember why, something to do with the way the sequencing interacts with each other maybe?

I’ve used the Arp on the DN along with external sequencing and that can be interesting

Oh that’s a bummer! I’m wondering if this idea works with other sequencers. I would expect lock trigs to work with another sequencer, but now that i think of it I’ve never tried it. I’m gonna try this with something else (I don’t have an Oxi) because now I’m curious.

But it sounds like you get more out of the Oxi like this anyway. It looks like a really nice sequencer.

You can certainly have simultaneous sequences running on the same track - i.e. one running on the DN and another sequencing it externally. I’ve had the Oxi sending two seperate sequences to a DN track for example to create polyrhythms.

Maybe it’s just that you need trigs on the DN for triggless trigs to mean anything? It was perhaps a limitation like that - if somebody else doesn’t confirm soon I’ll update when I next fiddle.

I think a lot of us fall in the hole of wanting all our music production to fall into the workflow of one piece of hardware. Once you build that muscle memory and things become natural you’d like to expand that and want more.

Here’s the thing:

more features = more complexity any way you slice it. Whether that’s going with a workstation like workflow ala a modern MPC, or combining simpler hardware boxes to create your own complex system, you’re not gonna get around that issue while maintaining simplicity.

Elektron boxes play nice with each other and pattern changes are seamless. If you stick to two you’ll find that it’ll still be a simpler platform than something like an MPC or DAW. If you find two different boxes still isn’t enough for you, stick with a workstation / MPC or bite the bullet with a DAW, because what I found was that juggling too much hardware is actually more complex than a DAW. Either way you aren’t getting around the complexity issue.

My current setup is an A4, DT, and Roland System 8 and I never really find a situation where I don’t have enough voices. Nothing that would compromise my compositions anyway.

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For resampling on the DT you could use the arm function and turn the threshold up in the sample editor. Hit play and the first hit will trigger the recorder.

That’s true, but it’s often not exact in my experience. And you can’t tell it when you stop sampling. I mean, it’s definitely possible to sample, but not perfectly quantized loops, at least not automatically. The times I’ve sampled a loop and then layered with the source sound, i get these very small timing differences.

I resample single hits on the DT all the time though

Check out the blackbox @PlombirSound - 16 stereo tracks, multi-sampling with flexible polyphony (8 voices per sample is usually not a problem), very interesting and flexible sequencer and converters are great to get that hi-fi shine.

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