Alternatives to hard power reset?

Hi all, I’m connecting to an iPad and frequently crash my digitone due to the apps I’m using (long story, still not solved!).

But I’m worried about constantly hard powering the unit off and on again. Is there any way to do this without using the rear power switch, when the unit freezes? (like apple products have hard reset tricks).


Have you tried to disconnect from the iPad (physically pulling the cable) and wait a while? I guess its MIDI loopback issues and these might resolve themselves when the connection is cut.

And “no”, there are no other reset options than power cycle on the Elektron devices.

Yeah I tried that, didn’t seem to work. Ok cool. iPad set up is tricky.

You on the latest firmware? Saw something in the patch notes about midi loopback bugs being fixed.

I am indeed. I have absolutely no doubt it’s the apps I’m using, not the DigiTone. iOS stuff seems to be a bit hit and miss sometimes.