Am I missing something? (midi out)

Howdy everyone!

I might have totally overlooked something but I cannot seem to get the Digitone to send midi out when I play the keys on the device (as in using the digitone as a controller). I have it hooked up to a midi monitor and it sends timecode start and stop but never note info when I press the keys on the device. I suppose I could resign to just using a controller but it seems like maybe I have misconfigured something.

Any advice would be appreciated!

Settings tried:
Overbridge – midi from the DAW works but no output from the keys
USB/Audio&MIDI – same as Overbridge
MIDI – Nothing from the trigs, just start and stop

there’ll be a setting for the ‘keyboard/KBD’ which permits note out to Int / Ext / Int+Ext
look through all the midi menus to find all the options

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Thank you for the tip! It pointed me toward MIDI > PORT CONFIG > TRIG KEY DST which did the trick.