Am I the only one? [Machinedrum love]

You gotta set the notes to be received in the MD. Like BD = C2, SN = B3 etc

I thought they were by default? Seemed to be when I checked on the MD, and I made sure to assign to the right channel and note on the OT. It’s late so I’m sure I’m just missing something, and I’ll have most of tomorrow afternoon to figure it out I think.

Here I was getting the pages for you…

It’s cool. You can set it any way you like.
If you got it second hand, previous owner might have zeroed it out? I had mine zeroed at one point.

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I re-read this sentence at least 3 times but i can t make out what you re meaning to say there… :grey_question:

I just figured out sampling on my machinedrum. My world just changed for the better.


Am I the only one, that thinks the Cycle is like the MD ?

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Well, kind of. Features in common, but lacks output routing, modulation capabilities and many other things that make the MD special, imho.

… but also like the MM, but also like the M:S, but also totally its own thing.


Also, there s a bit of MD in all subsequent Elektron boxes.


Like a smaller version.
It has sort of similar machines.

Yes I have both and they do compliment each other.

Personally I would keep the Machinedrum over the Rytm.

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So I started this thread in March 2016, not long after acquiring one of the last MD’s from in stores. I had been drooling over them since they came out.
Since the purchase I have had the privilege of being able to get into (and being distracted by) modular synthesis. After exploring modular synthesis over the years, I have learned a hell of a lot about audio synthesis. I have taken that knowledge and applied it to both the Rytm and the MD.
And now I love the MD even more than I did that first few months I had it. The love, has grown!
I always knew this machine could do balls to the wall Techno, and now, I have found it.
It’s simplicity of machines and basic mix of synthesis techniques along with the FX really set it apart from the other machines. I always tried to get an 808 and 909 out of inserting samples into my boxes. While this works to a degree, the beauty of the MD lies not in it’s manipulations of samples, but in the synthesis of it’s machines. This is where i have found the beauty of this machine.
If the original producers of the MD are still out there and following this forum, let me say thank you. It is nearly 20 years later and this box is still holding it’s place next to the best in the industry. Be proud of what you created.


Amen to this :thup:


Amen. I dont ever see me selling my MDrum (or MnMachine for that matter). That would be Dumb. Even though I know there are things out now that can replace those, they aren’t the same form factor. I might buy those ‘other’ things maybe, maybe not. Cant afford all this stuff anyway…
But, I did buy an SP404SX for sampling, (am I allowed to say that here?) its pretty great so far. I am sampling into it directly from my Elektrons- Patterns etc. and vice versa. Works like a dream, complete song builder.


I haven’t gotten that far (sampling) yet.

I would probably still keep my Machinedrum if it produced zero sound, it just looks that cool


Ok lets see how gf responds to hanging my spare MD and MM mk1’s on the living room wall. She’s got her art and souvenirs and plants all over the place so seems like I should be entitled to that :wink:



Just though id share this(not me). Im amazed how something simple can be a really cool track. Its not the gear is really shown here.


Reading the following thread : Roland TR-8S - (New TR-8 with user samples and individual outs)

I discover this :

Pretty surprise. This does’nt minors my love for MD, but surprise me. I thought it was quite clock precise. That’s not the case.
Is it possible to ear that ?