Am I the only one? [Machinedrum love]

yeah it’s just the way it is and always has been. (but may always not be…)

Never heard any issues with this…

Those numbers are SO small, it’s not an issue.



Yep, but still to some they were enough to create a HUGE mess on the old elektron-users forum. To the point that people were creating fake accounts to try and trick me (i was a mod then) to prove that we were colluding with elektron to cover up this HUGE issue :crazy_face:


Dude your audio interface at its BEST has more latency than that. It’s so freakin nominal. If you think that’s affecting the music making…
The issue lies elsewhere.

That is crazy that people would do that. Maybe if they spent more time making music as opposed to testing equipment they would not give a shit.
I have never had a problem making music with the MD timewise. Maybe it’s because I usually play over 100bpm minimum? Maybe it’s because I have used the MD and now my Octa as the master clock.
Anyway, clock issues can be solved easily by getting a better master clock.
Still crazy to me people have nothing better to do than complain about some latency from one piece of equipment. What is the world of electronic music coming to?

When I make layered percussive sounds that small jitter can cause audible phasing effect.

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Have you actually LISTENED to that?
I went to this tour and I just up and left the show.
All that money to hear that jitter?

They didnt even turn the lights on FFS.


all da tyme bruh
More like you’re not listening [reading]. That latency is not noticeable. You can only SEE it when you are in the tempo page watching the tempo flicker between +/- .2. Otherwise I challenge you to point it out, using ears only.

you don’t hear the jitter, unless you mr roboto

That was sarcasm btw

Such jitter may be called “groove” ?
Sometimes, when using drum machines, i had sensation that the pattern does’nt always turn at ghe same speed. As if i could feel variations in the speed rotation of the pattern. Is that illusion, is that i have been listen to the same pattern for too long, is that the influence of electricity variations ?
Does my mind can feel 2ms ?

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2ms? Coming from an MPC live that usually had 10-15ms latency, I didn’t even notice with the MD.

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I didn’t want to create a new thread, but I have a first world problem.

I’ve finally found a Nord Drum 2, which is quite powerful, especially with my Octatrack. It’s deep and sounds really great. The velocity response is very special. But, even though it’s easy to program sounds, I really don’t like the interface of the ND2, that’s why it doesn’t make that much fun. Well some people use it with a controller, that would be another way to use it.

On the other hand, I have this idea now, that I just sell ND2 for a Machinedrum MKII (non-UW), since I already have OT. But is this really a good idea, as it is pretty old tech now?

i think this is most exposed when i hear a track someone has made in (for example) ableton and hasn’t put any work into groove variation. even with a groove template it just sounds so rigid stuck to a grid, compared to music made with (jittery) hardware.


I am not 100% sure that this is the cause, but my guess is that when the MD is at capacity, pushing 16 machines of audio out, it is being pushed to the limit, and all manner of machines are getting squashed into each other, it can sound like the timing slows for a moment, and then returns to normal speed, as it runs through the pattern. Does that sound about right? To be fair I have so much going on it is a little ridiculous. Is it that the machines headroom being tested and instead of crashing, it is compensating? I know for certain I have done this before. I love the effect. Does give it a human feel. No idea what is happening in the MD to make it do this.

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There are are 3 (or 4?) processors in the Machinedrum, 2 of them are working on the audio and one is responsible for the sequencer, control and user interface.
I never experienced audio glitch, I guess audio processing is properly designed for maximum load.
However the control and sequencer part can be overloaded. A simple MIDI loopback can freeze the user interface, same with 300 BPM intensive sequencer lines. The good thing, it is still playing, just not responsive. Seems sequencer and control have priority while user interface is non-prioritized and can loose processing power.


Yeah, I dunno, the MD always sounds crazy tight to me. I’ve always put that down to the digital nature of the synthesis - snappy attack/transients. The Rytm’s analogue VCA envelope feel softer/slower to me. That might just be cognitive bias though.

Jitter is (at least theoretically) very different to feel though… ye olde 808 timing was due to the sequential triggering of each voice, so the more voices that are triggering on one step, the more they get spread “off” the beat. The TR-8 by default imitates this timing, you can turn it off in the settings if you want. Can’t remember if this is also an option on the TR-8S.


Not to increase GAS, but the Machinedrum is the funnest piece of gear I’ve ever owned. And you should get a UW model :slight_smile:


Yeah, I wanna have it :slight_smile:

Well, especially 12-bit sampling on MD-UW sounds pretty unique but I don’t know, if it’s really worth having, even though you have the OT. The internal synth engine of MD offers already a lot. I mean, I have the ND2, which is just a drum synth, without any sequencer or freely assignable LFOs and I just thought that I could replace it with a MD non-UW as a drum/perc synth…

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Sounds about right :wink: .

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