Am I the only one? [Machinedrum love]

ND, and octa, AND an MD? Sounds like a wonderful trio

Sure, but I need a limitation and budget as well :slight_smile:

Sorry for getting off topic, I do that too often. :confused:
ANYWAY. If it was up to me, yes I would sell the Nord drum 2 for the Machinedrum. But I’ve never had a Nord Drum 2.

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MD is completely different.

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considering my girlfriend usually just gives me disinterested wry smiles regarding my bizarre obsessions with “plinky blonky boxes” i give this birthday card 10/10 :slight_smile:


Still waiting to see Elvis I see……

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My love with MD started about 12 years ago, I bought and sold it 3 (maybe 4?) times, and in my opinion, it was and remains an archangel among all the rest of Elektron equipment. You know, I even bought a +drive option here in Moscow. One dude was so greedy that he pulled it out of the Monomachine and sold it separately. Long live greed!) And the device itself came half sick from Vladivostok, and I had to treat it. Some punks changed his screen to blue, stupid bastards). And, yes, the + drive option is very easy to plug into a suitable slot on to the second board).


I reckon those plus drives should be easy to install be good to find that component online.

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I have never seen them on sale, so I grabbed it right away, at the local market).

The red is bad for some eyes. Like mine.
It hurts real bad looking at that red. I, myself, would rather the white on black screen. I have two for my MNM and MD.
I don’t have the skills to make the change tho.

Had an OT and an MnM. While I miss both, they were overkill and unnecessary luxuries at this stage in my musical development. I hung on to my dear MD though.

Months to learn … years to master. But oh the rewards!

Will get an OT again one day … maybe. (I hold out almost no hope for affording another MnM…)

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If only there were a couple developers around who could make a new firmware for the MD with inverted colors on the display……



I played with the contrast…its no good.
and the red letters would still fuck my eyes. the red is no good…for me.

I do know a couple people that sent theirs in for “repair” and requested a MnM display.
Elektron did do it, but they were also fixing actual broken stuff at the same time. Not just a screen change. Wonder if they still have the part.

There is a whole thread about how to do it:

Mine is regular negative LCD:


And there’s about 50 threads about how people F’ed it up.
Maybe a few years ago when they were still 900$ used, but not at these prices.
Its not me that needs to do it, tho. I’m down w/ the red.

If my display died tomorrow, I wouldn’t need it. Its all muscle memory for me, like people who type 150 words per minute

I have two screens sitting in my parts drawer waiting to go in. A bunch of the folks here know the story of me murdering my MD trying the screen replacement myself.
Fortunately Elektron, at the time, had extra UI boards and saved my box from death.

I gotta find a shop [and the stones] to go thru with it.

I’ve got two screens like @infekted posted.

Why do I feel I need to post the decision meme with “burn eyes out with red screen” and “destroy machinedrum during replacement” in the other thread…

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You mean “destroy my MD trying to replace the screen myself”

The black screen is super SICK! CLEAN!

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