Ambient album / only OT almost

Hi everyone,

I just released an ambient album in which the only thing used was the OT was all the tracks except one which was made on my phone. Final touches in the daw otherwise of couse.

Anyway all tracks were made using few seconds of a sample or a single note and that’s it. It’s available on all streaming platforms so here for example :slightly_smiling_face: :
Brèves d’un instant on Spotify

And if you really like and want to be awesome as it is bandcamp Friday today, it is also over there :

Thanks a lot & have a good day !


I like this. Very soothing in this cold and all too early morning…

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Thanks a lot ! :pray:

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Great stuff. It’s so hard (for me, anyway) to make samples feel textural and cohesive. Especially when working with short one shots (which seems to be the majority of the sounds, here?) and especially especially when working in a minimal aesthetic. This manages to do all that and maintain interest. :+1:

My soundtrack for the morning.

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Thanks a lot for the support and great comment :pray: !! Indeed most of the track are made with one short one shot which are sequenced and live sampled at an other pitch on a flex track which is sequenced differently and live sampled on an other track at an other pitch etc. It’s mostly like this if I recall correctly.