An Analog Four-only techno groove

Just about ready to release my EP, but for now: here’s an Analog Four-only techno groove I’ve been working on:

I have the A4 going into the Heat for some saturation and compression, then a bit of dynamic compression on the mix from my DAW.

Many thanks to @DaveMech for his feedback!


Sounding legit :+1:

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Indeed - very tight and driving. Well programmed sir!

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Such a wonderful funky groove :). Said it before but it’s impressive you squeezed this all from A4 only !


Yeah that bassline is nice and funky!

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Very cool track, man! Love the occasional 100% reverb notes. You did a great job wringing so much out of the 4 tracks :slight_smile:

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Thank you! It’s funny that a driving quality has emerged pretty organically from my jamming sessions and seems to be pretty consistent in what I’ve made so far.

Thanks man! I think the one-box-groove has become a staple in my over-all music making efforts (again, thanks to your guidance with the A4 and the Digitone!)

Much appreciated – I do like me a funky bassline. :smiley:

Many thanks – parameter and sound locks are such a blast. I wasn’t sure how working with 4 tracks was going to go, but it turned out to be great fun. It’s hard to go wrong with such a powerful machine as the A4.

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