An encoder (A) is moving...on its own?!

I have an encoder, that from today, has started setting itself full clockwise. It seems to be “random” when it does it. It does it on any pattern (even a new one with no trigs.) But the unit has to be playing, afiact.

I clealy need to spend some more time trying repro/get a minimum case, but as I do, wondering if anyone has encountered this before? Wondering if it s a fault with the encoder (I use A all the time, as it is the home of the first (often only) perf macro.)

Seems so far that the transport has to be playing for it to occur. I have no midi coming in.

I’ll keep investgating (as time allows). In the meantime I’ve moved all my perf macros to F.

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Have you checked the encoder in test mode?

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If the encoder is physically rotating clockwise then it is haunted and it will need an exorcism!

If the value of the encoder is moving clockwise by itself or not moving smoothly through the values when you rotate it, then it is probably dirty and will need to be cleaned.

It’s pretty common on filter cutoff pots and other commonly used parameter controls.

This article should help…

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I wil try now.

haha, no.

Many thanks!

no cable plugged in?

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Yeah midi cable plugged in. The midi cable is plugged into AR for “turbo midi” action.

Will unplug. But I just turned it on, didn’t hit play or anything, and the encoder value for Perf macro A was at 0 and it now at 127 (while I typed this)

FInally caught in in video. Twice! On a pattern that I haven’t seen it on before. I was just playing away and the encoder value jumped all the way on encoder A again. Different perf macro, same behaviour. What the hell is going on??

Now it won’t stay at zero, I put it to zero, it jumps back. Nothing is playing, transports at stop. This is since I upgraded my AR to 1.61B, so maybe it is that?

EDIT: In this video I start the transport, and encoder A jumps to 127. I stop the transport, set the encoder to zero, and after a boring 49 seconds, it jumps to 127. AR is OFF, the midi in is unplugged. Nothing is playing. This needs to be a support ticket to Elektron, right?

EDIT2: I now suspect it is AR or some midi feedback/overload problem. I turned everything off, unplugged the midi out from AR to A4 in. And turned it all back on, and didn’t have one instance of the A encoder jumping for a whole 15 minute session…so maybe no turbo midi for me. Have reported to Elektron

Try setting encoder destinations to int instead of int+Ext on both machines


It is, thanks!

Just to be clear, this happens if the A4 is not plugged into another machine.
Tonight I did a 15 minute jam, and it was fine, A encoder was at 0. Then I hit “save kit” and when the screen came back from saving…the A encoder value was 127 again. No other machines turned on or plugged in.

Go into test mode hit 1 and move the encoders. You should see some feedback showing their movements Let it sit and wait for the encoder to jump. If you see the screen indicate movement. (I think the 16 step trigs also light up) then you can prove it’s a hardware fault. In which case you send to Elektron and they replace the ui board.

Thanks, but I don’t think it is a hardware fault. I tried test mode, and it never jumped. And it never jumps on any page except perfmode.

Might be that the LFO-s are linked to move them…ooor some hidden p-locks. Happened to me on shrooms once.

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hahahaha, I did think of p-locks, but it has happened on blank patterns, and across different patterns. Only perf encoder A. I dunno. I think it is haunted.

Have you tried removing the rubber cap and firing some compressed air at the knob? Also, at this point, I’d be contacting support.

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I haven’t cleaned it yet, because it only happnes in perf view. I have contacted support. I guess they’re very busy, no response yet.

EDIT: And I have a workaround, move all my perf macros (thank god for copy-paste (yay Larry Tesla!)) to a different encoder.

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Send them a video of the behaviour happening on a complete new Project so they can see the ghost in the machine at work.

Will do. It’s all about finding time. And catching it on video.

I’ve a relevant problem. The Track Level encoder will continue to move by itself (so the sound pool will pop up when holding down trigs!).

Here it is in Test Mode, I touch the encoder once and them leave it:

You can also see it exaggerated when I have the encoder pressed as I try to keep it still:

Posting here before contacting support just in case someone has a fix before I ask to ship it to Elektron :pray:t2:

@darenager is suggesting a fix here: Encoder D living a life of its own (bug or hardware problem?) - #15 by darenager

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