AnalgRtm MKII rendering empty tracks

Hi guys!
I’m new on Elektron Analog Rythm MK2 and i really love it!
PROBLEM: when I try to export a mixdown of a project in my DAW with ARMKII as vst instrument connected with overbridge and perfectly working in play, both in cubase 10 and in ableton 10 I get empty tracks! (only of ELEKTRON RYTHM tracks)

I have no crash, no other issues and the DAW is working under
SYSTEM: WIN 10 pro + 32gigaRAM + Yamaha Steinberg UR824 soundcard.
Any idea to solve it?
Thanks in advantage.

Best regards

Overbridge last update and the newest OS firmware (1.50) on my AR MK2
(I tried also to downgrade the OS of ARMKII with no luck)