Analog 4 kits within a pattern bank

Ok this drives me crazy.

Suppose i create a pattern say E1, then i create a part of my song E2, E3, etc.

If i’m playing around with let’s say song part E3 then want to check out E2 it does not switch kits.

So do i have to save each individual kit and RELOAD it everytime i switch between patterns even when patterns are inside the same bank?

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the banks do not actually exist inside the A4. they’re only on the faceplate.
a pattern simply has a number 0-127 for its slot… they’re just grouped into banks for mnemonics.

kits do switch if you switch between patterns, but only if the pattern is not empty.
a pattern is not empty if it has at least one trig somewhere. (can also be a trigless lock).

kits do not automatically reload though if you switch patterns, by default. you can change this in GLOBAL > SEQUENCER SETTINGS

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You should also be aware that if multiple patterns are sharing the same kit, if you tune the kit (not the p-locks) then those changes will be also on other patterns with possible changes to how they were sounding.

Otherwise there is the KIT RELOAD ON CHG under the Sequencer Config in Global menu.
If you this would be your option, then it should be wise to save Kit changes thoroughly using, maybe, another slot just to do not alter other patterns.

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Very important: if you change the global pattern-reload behaviour make sure you have manually(!) saved every kit you worked on. In general Kits do not get autosaved in the same way as patterns. In normal mode they are held in a power-cycle save editbuffer. Also mind if you do sysex backups only the state you saved manually will be exported, not the edit buffers.

Its good to keep [Yes/Save] + [Kit] in your muscle memory once you’re satisfied with changes on a kit.


THANKS! very helpful.

Ok so I was messing around this evening with patterns and banks on my fairly new to me Analog 4 MK2. If I want to create different sounds and patterns mapped to each bank, how would I go about doing this so that the same sounds are not mapped to all the banks?

For example:

Bank A01-A6 has sounds 1-4 on tracks T1-T4 and a 16 step pattern recorded
Bank B01-B6 has sounds 1-4 on tracks T1-T4 and a 16 step pattern recorded
Bank C01 has sounds 1-4 on tracks T1-T4 and a 16 step pattern recorded
Bank D01 has sounds 1-4 on tracks T1-T4 and a 16 step pattern recorded

Would I need to save and create a new kit and set of sounds for each bank?

My goal is to create several different patterns of sounds with each bank have unique sounds/pattern so that I can go into song mode and make a longer set of tunes.

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Track sounds are stored in a kit, every pattern has a kit assigned to it.

If you want A1-A6 to have the same sounds they should all use the same kit.

To use different sounds on B1-B6 load a new kit when you get to B1, create the sounds and save the kit. If you haven’t accessed B2-B6 yet your new kit you just saved will be used for B2-B6 when you create them, the last kit used is always the default kit when jumping to unused patterns. If you do have data on those patterns already you’d have to load the kit you just saved to each of them, after that they will stay associated with the new kit.

Use a 3rd kit for bank C and a fourth for bank D.

Also note that every pattern can have a different kit if you want, so it’s possible for example to have A1-A6 each using different kits and having different sounds…


Thanks I got it now and it is loads of fun! Now if only I can figure out how to do the same with parts, banks, and samples on my OT MK2! I tried using a part per bank with samples but they over write the other parts and banks!

Why? Wouldn’t those patterns just default to the last kit used, or what difference does them having patterns make?

If you add trigs to a pattern, the assumption is that you’re creating a pattern within the context of the currently loaded kit. So it assigns that kit to the pattern. It’s better that it works that way imo.

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Ah so having the pattern there just associates that kit to the tracks instead of it staying on whatever kit you had last, yeah that does make sense