Analog 4 + Live FX with Overbridge

Hi everyone,

My goal is to route VST’s/audio tracks from Live to the analog 4’s fx unit for reverb, to act like a send effect.
I have A4 and RYTM connected via overbridge and have the A4 FX wet signal already routed to the A4’s main outputs.

I have tried to search the forum to answer if this question is possible: Can I use the A4’s 4th track input as a reverb send effect for my other vst’s?

I want the reverb from the A4 to sound uniform with the Vsts without using a different software reverb for the vst tracks

Many thanks!

I asked a similar question some time ago - perhaps this can give you some idea A4 + Overbridge and Send FX

The problem of using the A4 as a “send” FX box is that there is - to my knowledge - no way to get rid of the DRY input signal that gets passed to the FX processor.