Analog 4 MK1 not recognized by Overbridge on Mac

Hi everyone.

I just updated to the latest firmware on my A4 MK1 (1.51C) and OB (2.5.1) on both my Windows 10 desktop and my MacOs 10.13.6 laptop.

On my W10 desktop the A4 is immediately recognized by OB but not on my Mac, and when I change the USB CONFIG setting to USB MIDI I do get the red letters and the “Analog 4 is not in Overbridge Mode…” warning message, when I change it back to OVERBRIDGE it simply shows nothing, and of course the VST plugins don’t work either on my Mac.

So there’s clearly something not right on my Mac but I’ve no idea where to start looking, is anyone able to share some advice?


Edit: On my Mac I’ve made sure port 46000 is free and that OB is not blocked, also tried turning firewall off, no luck.

Nevermind, it’s now finally working after a 3rd reinstall, I checked once again on System Preferences/Security & Privacy/General and this time it did appear as blocked, so I went ahead and unblocked it, restarted and voila!