Analog 4 MK2 external audio questions

Hello Elektronauts!

So my situation is: the only piece of hardware I’m using is A4, I connect it to Ableton via Overbridge. I don’t use any external sound card and have no audio inputs (because with OB I don’t beed one).

Now I’m feeling that I don’t want to program stuff in Ableton, because it’s not inspiring for me.

So I want to buy a peace of gear focused on drums and drum-like sounds to complement A4 (thinking about Moog’s DFAM).

But I don’t want to use an external sound card. So my questions are:

  1. Can I just plug my drum machine in A4 and record master out via Overbridge in Ableton? I know I won’t be able to multi-track, but I don’t need it.

  2. Can I apply Reverb, Chorus and Delay sends to external audio?

  3. Can I do it while still having access to my T1-T4 tracks?

  1. Haven’t tried it, should be possible.

  2. Yes you can apply any effects to the input. It’s handled like an oscillator, so you can do filtering and overdrive as you would with an oscillator. Apply effects, p-lock different settings have fun with the LFOs - all the elektron goodness.

  3. From point 2 you might guess it already, you loose 1 of the 4 tracks if you stay mono, if you want to handle stereo input you loose 2 tracks.


You can also skip the computer and just midi sync them and use the external inputs for the drum machine, then just record a stereo master, skipping the multitracking altogether.


yes yes yes

mixing in external inputs can happen alongside all your normal tracks fun

if you wanted to pass the external inputs via a filter(s) - then you would have to spend a track

plus you still have cv/fx tracks for sequencing external gear


That’s exactly what I want to do :slight_smile: Computer is there just to record it in, as I don’t have an audio card with inputs and don’t want to spend extra money on it.


Thank you everyone for clearing things out for me!