Hello Elektronauts!
So my situation is: the only piece of hardware I’m using is A4, I connect it to Ableton via Overbridge. I don’t use any external sound card and have no audio inputs (because with OB I don’t beed one).
Now I’m feeling that I don’t want to program stuff in Ableton, because it’s not inspiring for me.
So I want to buy a peace of gear focused on drums and drum-like sounds to complement A4 (thinking about Moog’s DFAM).
But I don’t want to use an external sound card. So my questions are:
Can I just plug my drum machine in A4 and record master out via Overbridge in Ableton? I know I won’t be able to multi-track, but I don’t need it.
Can I apply Reverb, Chorus and Delay sends to external audio?
Can I do it while still having access to my T1-T4 tracks?