Analog ASIO tracks don't seem to work


I’m using my Syntakt as an ASIO sound card. The Syntakt is in Overbridge mode, but the Overbridge plugin is not involved.

I can’t seem to make signals play through the four analog tracks.

I recorded a video where the issue is visible.

Signals sent to the main inputs or to the FX track can be heard but anything sent to the four analog tracks can’t.

At least the software is aware of the signals because the VU meters in the Overbridge control panels move.

Here is the video:

Any help would be appreciated!

Are you sure those tracks aren’t muted?

Hit FUNC and check if track 9, 10, 11, 12 is light green. If so then they’re muted and you’ll need to press each one to unmute.

They are not muted. If I put triggers on them and start the playback then I can hear them, but I still can’t hear the audio that is being sent.

Does it actually work for you? Do you hear anything if you send signals into the four analog inputs?

I didn’t try, but when you hit FUNC + FX, hit trigger 16 to turn the IN on, maybe that’s the issue?

Sorry just trying to help. I think I’m out of options, maybe someone else will know!

I’m still learning things as I go as well lol.

I tried that too, I also tried to enable all the other tracks on the FX track, set trigs and start playback.

No change.

Can you try to use the Syntakt as an ASIO sound card and send signals to the four analog tracks?