Analog Four external inputs as oscillators? oh boy... what did I miss!

my A4 was taking dust (The Digitone being small and with 8 voices, it’s kinda replacing it recently, sorry A4!) so I thought I should get it out… was fooling around with my modular rig and Rings was missing something, some filtering especially. I had the outs of Rings in the external inputs of the A4 just to add some fx but thought: wait! isn’t there like an option to choose external input as an oscillator?? and this is when the fun started! I’m so happy I’ve discovered that feature, it opens up so many new ideas! (like when I discovered the CV outs that I didn’t have any use of at the time and totally forgot about until I got the DFAM!)

here is the jam playing with this feature (applying filters, LFOs, FX)


Cool discovery and nice tune! You have a great voice.

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Thanks! the A4 is a toolbox of sound toys, so powerful!

As one who recently picked up an A4, this is something I want to explore. Thanks for sharing. Are the inputs tolerant of modular levels, or do you need to attenuate down to line level?

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You can combine the two: use e.g. track 4 as the source for CV gate + v/oct, send the CV to your modular, then feed the audio out from your modular in A4 audio in, and use this as track 4 oscillator: the filters then track the pitch, and you can use overdrive and give motion to the whole track with the modulations and plocks.

Much. Fun.


I’ve tried with AR, DN and A4 and they all accept modular level with no problem

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oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I had random trigs on the tracks to retrigger the filter and LFOs. It can do so much stuffs that with the actual second hand price for mk1s, even if you forget the synth engine - but obviously you shouldn’t ; ), it’s a steal really!

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The new Radiohead


Oh, that’s an old thread… and jam!
Thanks for listening and your comment.

I need more talent, 4 other band members+a Nigel and a bit more me and I should be good. Easy-peasy.

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