Analog Four/Keys 1.40 & Analog Rytm 1.50

Hi mine is sending MIDI from sequencer not from pad :sweat_smile:

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I am running my A4 Mk1 with 1.24C OS and Overbridge 1.15.

Is it safe to update to firmware 1.40 and Overbridge Or do I need to do something beforehand? Has anybody had issues coming from OS 1.24C?

lfo and cc fuckery

Had quick and lot of fun with A4, this fkn update made it 24 voices polyphonic! :thup:
Of course it was not possible before. :innocent:

Elektron messy for sure! :smile:


This is awesome! Iā€™ve updated both my A4 and AR MKII :heart_eyes:

Fooling around with the random param on the SRC page of the AR tracks is delicious. I donā€™t think that itā€™s possible to record random pages on the fly, is it on digi boxes?

The scale per track is something Iā€™ve wanted forever on these two boxes :star_struck: (on the AR for 2x or 3/4, on the A4 for longer sequences). Makes me very happy.

BPM per pattern! Iā€™ve been using the OT for that in the past but using any of the two analog boxes as MIDI master is a thing I always wanted.

The new UX is also very nice. I really like the new SAMPLE page on the AR. :nerd_face:

And last but not least MIDI sequencing! Iā€™ve been regretting selling my Octatrack because MIDI sequencing was so good (LFOs, ARP, life-recording CCs, mangling, etc.) and I donā€™t have other hardware sequencer. Now this is not a replacement for what the OT is capable of but opens new ways to work with external gear.

Iā€™ve got a Minitaur and a MS-20M and Iā€™ve been using all 4 CV outputs to trigger GATE/PITCH on both synths. Now I can sequence both via MIDI and use 2 CV for each synth or 4 for a single synth. :partying_face:

With the AR, layering samples on top of a controlled external synth (with matching pitch) is now a thing! :hugs:

This update is huge! Thanks to all the people involved :+1:

Now, an extra page for a few MIDI CC params would have been amazing. Iā€™d also prefer to have a selectable MIDI machine (with CC params, LFOs) instead of the current workflow implementation of sending MIDI notes in addition to the current sound.

Also, in order to use the mini-keyboard (and probably an external MIDI keyboard) with the A4, I have to set the AUTO channel to the wanted MIDI channel. If AUTO is not set correctly, playing live on a track wonā€™t work. This is problematic because if set to the channel of an external synth, it will still trigger MIDI notes when other tracks are selected. When controlling multiple synths, you have to switch MIDI channels in order to preview the sound of each synth. I assume that the same applies to the AR.


Care to share?! :grimacing::laughing::nerd_face:

Wait what? You mean the arranger or did I miss the update?

Yes, the arranger.

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Too bad about the auto channel thing ā€¦ Deal breaker for me but im verry happy about the rest.

Not sure I follow your issue, but the keys/pads can send the user noodling on keys/pads via the Auto Channel or Track channel. This is a global user setting. Search Output Ch. I think from port config submenu. Maybe this will help


Does it have anything to do with your note setting in Trig ?

My answer is for AR and A4!

Great idea! That should be! Add slidesā€¦:loopy:

Sure! Lfos on arp parameters can create unique things, randomization under control!

Yes. Example : I could modulate midi standard filter frequency CC74 of my Qy100 with A4ā€™s PMW parameter, but CC71 correspond to SUB choice (from 0 to 5 or something), so no possible control of that CC71 value.
(A midi processor, can solve this, but I know about 2 or 3 people enjoying that kind of things!)

But, whatever, itā€™s already great! (Or as it should have been since the beginning?) :content:

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Changing OUTPUT CH to TRK CH fixed my issue. Thanks. Did not know this behaviour was configurable. :kissing_closed_eyes:


FUNC + Track then Trigs Setup and try to change the last parameter
ā€¦the one exclude the otherā€¦

edit: now i can send midi out to my tracks via sequencer but i canā€™t go back to play the padsā€¦:unamused:

edit edit: i solved with a new project

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No, I donā€™t like to. :stuck_out_tongue:
Pretty simple.
(A4 talking)
Playing my good old Qy100, omni mode (receiving all midi channels), but you can use 6 different midi channels
Enable all tracks for midi
Play, Rec + Play for live rec
Record notes on track 1,2,3,4,5,6

Theoretically 6x4=24 notes max polyphony.
Seemed to work nicely. I surely didnā€™t reach the 24 notes, but it was unusual to override the 4 voices polyphony, and I really felt the difference.
You can play chords with the A4ā€™s keyboard, they are recorded and played by the sound generator if its polyphony is enough. I could record several chords on the 6 tracks (playing over a selected track cuts recorded notes).


Not really no, this is a bug where the sequencer and pads are offset by 2 octaves from one another.
changing the notes for the trigs will change the sequencer only

hereā€™s a quick jam I threw together today sequencing w/ the AR:


If we get CC control on the RYTM I will wet my panties


OM(F)G ā€¦ I guess no one has seen this coming to the red haired step childs analog devices :smiley:

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Very excited about these unexpected improvements. Trying to figure out how iā€™m going to make use of this midi sequencing functionality with the octatrack. Itā€™s a bit like having some midi loopback capabilities on the OT except itā€™s just midi coming from A4 to OT, great for sending in-key, transposable notes to trigger pitched one shots on OT. I donā€™t often use the OT with one shots but i am excited to do some conditional recording with incoming midi notes from A4.