Analog Four/Keys OS 1.51: bug reports

poly arp still plays 1 note first before playing chords, reported this a year ago and still waiting

not sure if it is only problem on 1.51 or is it Overbridge related - when in Arp mode, notes sent via Overbridge in Ableton are not played correctly and all messed up

disabling lfo retrig on a seq step has no impact on the retrig behaviour when lfo mode is set as ā€œtrigā€?

First post, just thought Iā€™d throw it here because I hadnā€™t seen anyone else mention this. If no one else has, Iā€™ll file a report! Didnā€™t want to choke up Elektronā€™s tickets with previously reported bugs.

On the user env pages (1&2), holding FUNC and turning the envelope depth encoder to the left will not snap from 0 to -127, but to -12. Turning right with FUNC held will snap to 127 as expected. Has anyone else experienced this? (This on an A4 MKI).

To be honest, Iā€™d quite like if additional step values were added, eg FUNC + TURN would step through a couple of depths -> [-128, ā€¦ -64, -32, -16, 0, 16, 32, 64, ā€¦ 128], representing a 1/8th (12.5%) step though the depth range. If thatā€™s too many, maybe 25%, or 50% jumps would also work. This would be useful for the LFO depth as well, rather than jumping it from 0 to 100% depth. Feature request/fix combined?

Love this machine, only issue Iā€™ve had so far with it :).


This bug is present for encoder J for both ENV pages, and both of the LFO pages. It looks like itā€™s just a 7 missing from the ā€œ-127ā€ integer, so it always snaps to ā€œ-12ā€.

Submitting a bug report :slight_smile:


the missing 3rd digit is an old bug mentioned here a while back (thread locked)

ā€¦but another report send to support canā€™t hurt :slight_smile:


Ah, apologies. Iā€™d scanned this thread, hadnā€™t checked old OS version threads, my bad :frowning:!

Only owned the A4 it since v1.50, noticed it was present in v1.51C when I updated it the other day, so thought it was worth raising it here.

I had also noticed a problem with song mode FX tracks staying P-Locked when exiting song-mode, but not double-tapping stop to halt effects. I am still trying to work out the exact repo steps to cause the issue. It might not even be a bug, and me misunderstanding how a parameter locks on pattern change.

What I think I remember doing:

  • Song mode:
    1x A1 (Kit value; Delay 77)
    1x A2
    1x A3
    1x A4 (Plocked step 122 delay feedback)
  • Exited song mode, but didnā€™t doubletap stop
  • Jumped to A1
  • A1 started playing with 122 feedback

It felt like it allowed a P-Lock of 122 delay feedback on Track A5 to stay P-Locked playing on A1, despite no locks on the A1 track. Iā€™d have expected it to jump back to the 77 value assigned within the pattern. Like I say, Iā€™m still unsure if this is a bug, or a case of a PLock not being unlocked due to no trigs on A1 to reset it to 77. Double tapping pause, then playing A1 sounded like it returned to the expected value of 77.

Iā€™ll keep investigating, it didnā€™t seem like a big deal. I guess if Iā€™d taken my headphones off and just left it running, hadnā€™t noticed, Iā€™m sure the delay swell would have gotten crazy :P. I did have a sweaty moment of confusion when the volume started to build, but doubletap stop always works thankfully!

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Kits donā€™t reload on pattern change if you lock the fx they will stay at that value until another lock is encountered or you manually reload the kit.


Good to know, thanks for clearing that up :). Need to be super careful with the feedback delay and overdrive plocks then :wink:.

Iā€™ll start using the 1st-only conditional trig to reset the FX on pattern change to get around this when appropriate :).

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Maybe things get mixed up here(?). Just maybe, donā€˜t have a4 here atm and never tested that with songmode exactly ( i should use it more its my lazyness etcā€¦).
There is a box where you can check kit reload on pattern change. But ( I wrote too many times I miss it or donā€™t understand the reason) there is no box to check pattern reload on change. And p-locks are part of the pattern.

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One small thing that Iā€™ve noticed mentioned in one other thread back in 2016, but couldnā€™t see in any bug report threads via search:

A4 MK 1:

  • Performance macros set to bipolar mode donā€™t display a dot when set to neutral (0). The dot appears when it is fully open in the negative direction (-64).

Unsure if this was ever raised as a bug. Iā€™m also unsure if this affects the MK2 unit. Iā€™ll add a ticket.

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I have a click problem! Trying to figure out if itā€™s hardware or firmware (1.51C here) causing it.
Anyone have a spare minute to try out this basic preset? Just hold down any note and listen for clicks every few seconds. Preset should load into A4 (mk1&2) and AK easily via Transfer. Cheers!

OSC LVL CLIX.afsnd (624 Bytes)

Iā€™ll download this patch and give it a shot tomorrow.

Out for a gig in Glasgow tonight, Iā€™ll check it when Iā€™ve got hold of my A4 :).

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I gave it a play on 1.51/a4mkI, and it was clicky as can be, so itā€™s not necessarily a firmware issue. I played around with it and removed the click. The problem was LFO 1 Depth. I found that if you reduce from 127 to 126, then increase back to 127 the click goes away (Iā€™m not sure why?). I re-saved the sound with all the same settings, now it is click-free. Let me know if it works the same for you.

OSC LVL CLIXFRE.afsnd (614 Bytes)

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Thanks for confirming! Yea the click is only there with certain settings when any Osc Level (hence the file name) is modulated by LFO, Envs, MW etc. It can be removed easily but itā€™s a problem I keep coming across in general use (especially when using keytracked LFOs as Osc Lvl mod) so wanted to find a reliable way to reproduce it and report. Waiting to hear back from support, will let you know what they say :+1:

P-Locking PROB doesnā€™t make the trig blink.

LFO Fade does not retrigger when running in Free-Mode. This was the same and had been acknowledged and fixed for the Digitone some time agoā€¦

Edit: Elektron say itā€™s working. Iā€™ll have to check.
Edit 2: You can sequence it with parameter locks but not save LFO-T with the sound, hence not play it live.

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I assume this is an old bug, and its very minor. When setting up an external midi mod source (pitch bend, breath control, etc), there is a visualizer on the left side showing the latest value for a mod source. It works fine for breath control, mod wheel, but it does not change for pitch bend.

I mostly bring this up so maybe someone else finds this info in a search. I was trying to get my midi to work for hours (without actually triggering a sound), only to find out it worked the whole time but just didnā€™t visualize :stuck_out_tongue:

Not sure if itā€™s been mentioned before but when I power off the machine then on again (hours later), sounds are often out of place (one time I had what seemed like sounds from an adjacent project, another time itā€™s just my last tweaks that arenā€™t saved, LFO, etc). I have to save a kit for any pattern I make a modification in or itā€™s at risk. Maybe itā€™s just me misunderstanding kits.
Edit: canā€™t reproduce for now. Must have messed up a kit myself.

Did you report this to Elektron?

I did experience something similar yesterday, too. Changed Project. Play around. Power off. Power on after couple of hours. Kits from different project are displayed. Reload of Project returns to original saved state.

Will see if I can reproduce it again.

What troubles me most is that once I have to reload a project all changes done to kits, patterns in between will most likely be lost if I havenā€™t saved those to the project.