Analog Four/Keys OS 1.51: bug reports

That’s exactly what happened. But as it was a long time since I used the A4, I dismissed it and thought that maybe I fucked up because I wasn’t familiar anymore with the Kits concept.

But, really, pretty sure it loaded the sounds of another project.

I did not report it.

There’s a bug with external midi that causes a freeze on note-on if I’m not completely wrong. Here’s what I do:


  1. CV track is set to send Midi on channel 16 and playing the mini-keys the MB33 set to the same channel receives Midi perfectly fine.
  2. I hit FX once to switch to configure external audio input settings.
  3. CV track is lit dim red, FX is lit red.
  4. I play a note on the mini-keys
  5. Note-on is sent to the MB33 and apparently holds infinitely/freezes.
  6. I hit CV to return to CV track
  7. I play a note on the mini-keys and eventually after a short while a note-off is sent, but no note-on. This is not behaving consistently as far as how and when note-off is sent. Sometimes it works sometimes it freezes until hard-reset of the external device.

Always hit FX twice when working in a comparable scenario.

Expected behaviour:
External Midi being playable when switching to FX track in the same way as T1-T4 are playable when you hit FX once.

Final note:
I haven’t tested the same with external Midi sent through Track 1-4. I leave that to Elektron who are receiving the same description as a support request.

Edit: just got the confirmation from Elektron this is a known bug and shall be fixed sometime…

think i found a bug with kit reload on change option on, os 1.51 (using one kit per bank)

if kit is saved with several track levels down, if you bring levels up, go to another bank and then go back to first bank the kit gets reloaded with track levels visibly down but levels are audible set as if you left the last bank state. bit of a headache for my current live thing.

edit: does not always happen on all tracks, and results vary between different banks (if i switch from A to B back to A bug happens, from A to C and back it doesn’t etc… voodoo magic)

edit2: updated to 1.51C, bug still persists. Bug currently only happens between bank A and B