Analog Four mk1 is randomly freezing

I recently bought a used A4mk1 and i absolutely adore it, but every couple of days it randomly freezes after pressing a button (its a different button every time and i´ve never been able to recreate it) i use it almost daily and i´m worried if the freezes could become more frequent or if it is a sign of faulty unit, also im not sure if i can relly on it at live situation because of this but it doesnt bother me that much, i never lost any data due to this and a turning it on and of fixes the problem for next couple of days, does anyone have any experience with this? Thank you


I would check the PSU first.
Do you have a way to test your A4 with another PSU? Do you know other Elektron users?

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Yes, thats the first thing that i tried and it was the same

If you look at the test mode it may reveal something. For testing device issues keep it disconnected from other devices to keep it simple


Test mode doesnt show any issues, and i had it freeze even when using it standalone, wierd

BTW… which OS are you running on?

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Iam on OS 1.51 C.

Does this appears as well with a brand new Project?

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I should also add that it happend with multiple projects,

yes it does and it seems to happen randomly, for ex. after (changing pattern, changing ocatve, pressing track button) but always after i press a button or a trig

The only thing I would suggest is a factory reset but you will need to back up everything.

try replacing internal battery and check internal ribbon connectors.


Yes internal connectors can be a potential cause.

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Yeah, that is a good idea, factory reset or i was thinking trying to reinstal OS, as i said im mostly worried that it becomes more freqent or that it is a hardware fault which the test mode hopefully disproved. i just really love this machine and every time it does that i have a little heart attack :grimacing:


Interesting, but wierd thing is that it always run perfectly for a couple of days, i will deffinetly keep this in mind, thank you all very much

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I “repaired” my Machinedrum in the past by opening it (after removing every encoder cap) and just replugging the flat cable between the two motherboard.
I also repaired my friend’s with the same approach, and a deep cleanup of the machine insides…
Cheapest repairing ^^


I’ve had to do this several times on my (MkI) Octatrack - replugging the ribbon cables inside. I think the machines of this era (including the A4 MkI) might be prone to this, because the ribbon cable connectors don’t lock into place. Anyway yes, a cheap “repair”.

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Nice :smiley: thats really cool, iam a bit afraid to open it up right now but i will totaly do this if the freezes get any more frequent. thank you very much for a swift and helpfull advices


Please report back if it does happen again, and you find a fix!

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