Analog Four MK2 Tuning Issue w/presets/soundpack

I am experiencing some strange behavior with a new soundpack/preset. Specifically the Priam preset from the Vintage Keys soundpack (though this could be with others I haven’t used). When I load the preset the tuning of osc1 is -13 coarse and +51 fine (saw w/no sub osc) and osc2 is +1 coarse 0 fine (saw w/sub). In this configuration osc1 is tuned to C# and osc2 is tuned to C# (pressing C on keyboard results in C#). There is no transpose, no offset, detune, and the global tune is 440.

Where it gets weird is when I want to tune them to C, I can tune osc2 down one semitone to get it to C, but osc1 will not return to C unless I am at -2 coarse and +57 fine. If I return osc1 to 0 coarse and 0 fine (what I would expect should be C) I actually get a D that is -45 cents flat. WTF is going on here?

If I initialize the patch back to complete base (Track + Clear) then everything is as expected, 0 coarse/fine results in C on both oscillators.

Any LFO/env to pitch shenanigans going on?

Nope, no routing to pitch in any way