Analog Four MKII FX Output Routing

Hi everyone.

with my Analog Four MKII I have to record the 4 channels using the analog outputs 1, 2, 3 4 (Track Out).

The sound is ok and I can record, but the effects (Reverb, Delay, Chorus, Etc …) do not come out of these outputs and I cannot record them.

I configured the Output Routing as in the attached file … Where am I wrong? Any suggestion?

Thanks for support


Output Routing|281x500

Correct. The individual outputs are taken from the track outputs and are before any of the effects sends. In essence, they are raw.

In order to get the effected output, you only get that from the main outputs.


Thanks, I understand. So I can’t have the separate effects.
Can I solve this problem with Overbridge?

nope, the fx block is still at the mains taking sends from all tracks

just mute 3 tracks and record in four passes or use other fx

the topic is well discussed on a number of threads if you want other ideas on workarounds


Thanks so much !

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I have the same question, unfortunately I am not able to find a solution to this often discussed question (must be me). If you found a solution, can you let me know the link please? Thanks!

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A solution for sending FX over the individual outs? You can’t, as discussed above.

If there’s something else you’re looking for, though, you’re going to have to tell us what it is.

If you uncheck these boxes in your picture, then you disconnect the 4 tracks from the main out while still getting the fx there so you can get each 4 tracks (individual outs) + fx (main) out in analog:

(the “to fx” row boxes has to remain checked)


Actually you can solve this with Overbridge. The work around I found is to NOT route the 4 tracks to main (like asys also says in this thread), then with Overbridge you have the four raw tracks and FX separately via USB.

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Out of interest what do you then do with the FX track? Somehow blend it into the other 4 tracks like a send effect within the DAW

Yeah pretty much. I’m new to the A4 but I’m more than a decade into Music Prod so having that FX track is exactly like having the Return tracks in Ableton (or any DAW) that I mix into my tracks. Go nuts, side chain it to one of the A4’s other tracks and glue it all together, whatevz. Besides listening like that is exactly how you’re listening normally on the A4, as the FX is just a seperate return channel that all the tracks are sending signal to.

As you probably know, you can just record the main outputs if you really want the FX already blended with the synth.