Analog Four Overbridge Recall wiped out all info

Is there a way to redo this? I sent Total Recall to the A4 and next thing you know, everything I ever created was wiped out. Is there anyway to reverse this?

its called the elektron saving blues

goes like this

“you will surely lose a bunch of work
and you wont ever get it back
you can bitch and moan all you want
you wont ever get it back”

you got …
the elektron saving blues"

Routinely dumping all the sysex from the A4 to another storage device is the only way to prevent this grief sorry to say. I think we’ve all been there in one form or another.

I haven’t lost everything in one fell swoop, yet, but I’ve still lost plenty. Losing work is easier on these machines than any machine I have ever worked with.

By all info, do you mean EVERYTHING? Describe your experience in more detail…

Maybe I’m mistaken, but do projects get overwritten by this?

Anyway, yes, you should at least save your project(s) once in a while… and sysex dump them to your PC for backup.

So you probably already know this, but just in case…

When you initiate an instance of Total Recall, you need to think about what you’re trying to achieve. Let’s say you’ve been working on a project on your machine and you’d like to get its contents saved for TR in Live. So you open Ableton, pull up the OB plugin, and intstigate TR in the VSTi GUI. Your machine will immediately give you 3 options: recall to plugin state, device state, or cancel recall. In this case – where you have something on your machine that you want to save in a blank live session – you need to choose “device state”. If you choose “plugin state”, it’s going to overwrite the current machine working state and turn it into a blank one.

So you need to always think about what’s in the current working memory of your machine when you engage TR. In the case I outlined above, what I would do is this: prior to engaging TR in a DAW project, I’d save my AR/A4 project on the device to its own project slot. Then I’d engaged TR in Live and choose to TR from the device state. I’d then go about doing whatever – adding patterns, working on it. At the end, I’d engage TR again, and again update from the device state, as I’ve been working on my device. This saves exactly what’s currently in the working memory to Live. And THEN…I’d save it again on my machine to its proper slot.

You may know all this…but I hope not, cuz if you’ve lost everything across all projects on your machine, that is horrible!

Everyone thanks for all of the help. I lost Project 1 which is where I saved all of my stuff. But, I’m not overly upset about it as part of the fun for me is just messing around and drifting out…I should have saved from Device state instead of plugin state, but, you live, you learn!

Yeah - I’ve fallen down this hole myself.

I think it’s partly due to being used to the Virus Ti system, which handles this very well.

The plug-in can pull from patches in Flash, but the plug-in’s patches are only stored and maintained by the plug-in instance.

I just assumed that Overbridge would do the same.


At least I only lost the pattern data since I’d saved my kits and most of the sounds.