Analog Four presets/soundbank

Hi there.

I accidentally deleted all the preset sounds and settings on my A4 (bright of me, I know…). Does anyone know where I could re-download them all from? Forgive me if I’m overlooking something obvious. Thanks.

A reading from the book of the Four:

When performing a factory reset on the Analog Four MKII it will overwrite and re-initialize the active proj- ect (including all pattern, kit, sound pool and global data). The +Drive project slot 1 will be overwritten and re-initialized. Sound bank A and B will be overwritten with the factory Sounds. Factory preset patterns, kits, Sounds and settings will be re-initialized.
If you wish to keep the active project, remember to save it to a +Drive project slot higher than 1 before you perform a factory reset. To perform a factory reset, press [TRIG] key 3.